Koreans excel at some of the most interesting peculiar things:
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Monday, 28 June 2010
Plagiarism and Other Complaints
Image Source: Centre for Instruction & Research Technology
I went to bed at around 4 AM – sitting up all night reading through 40 research papers. The grades had to be in before students start logging onto the university grade system this morning. About 10% of the students committed full on plagiarism, which is actually an improvement from last year’s 25% (when I worked until 5:30 in the morning to get all the papers graded in time.)
I’ve had two students contact me so far wondering why they got such low final grades – both of them plagiarized their final papers. They can be thankful that they merely got 0% for their papers; at my Alma Mater, students caught to have plagiarized could face expulsion. I told my students numerous times not to even consider plagiarizing, as I will give them 0%. I guess this 10% did not take me seriously. I have little sympathy.
One paper that really drove me up the walls—and it wasn’t even a plagiarism case—had most of the sentences starting without capital letters. The informality of sms-texting and emails are causing tremendous harm to the ability of people, especially the younger generation, to write properly. I found the paper absolutely disturbing to read. It is not that I’m anal about syntax (although I’m a little more conscious of it as an English lecturer); but good grief!, if you are going to hand in a research paper you should at least get your basic punctuation in order; and there is nothing more basic than starting a sentence with a capital letter!
Just one more week of admin and then my vacation starts. I’m counting the hours. I definitely need some time away to find my zeal as a teacher again. Luckily the holiday is quite long and I have a number of things on my agenda. I’m sure I’ll be all excited again once the next semester starts. For one, I won’t be teaching Research Methodology again. The class is being replaced with something else and the skills will be incorporated into other classes, which make much more sense for me. Next semester will also be a much more relaxed one.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
My katte
Vannag voor middernag moet al die punte in die aanlynsisteem ingesleutel wees. Voor ek dit kan doen moet ek eers al die agterstallige vraestelle en opdragte klaar gemerk hê, en dan die punte in my Excel-dokumente insleutel om sodoende die studente se finale punte uit te werk, en slegs dan kan ek die finale punte in die aanlynsisteem insleutel. Ek’s nie seker hoeveel werk daar oor is nie, maar ek verwag dat ek nog lank in my kantoor gaan sit – moontlik selfs tot middernag. Maar my kop is êrens anders. My kop is by my katte. Ek’s ’n katmens.
Aangesien ek nie kinders het nie en teen die tempo en rigting waarin my lewe tans beweeg lyk dit onwaarskynlik dat ek ooit kinders sal hê—nie te praat van die feit dat ek eintlik nie kinders wil hê nie, is die naaste wat ek aan kinders kom my katte en my geliefdes se kinders. Ek het sover vyf katte in my lewe gehad. Elke kat het ’n eiesoortige spesiale plek in my hart en ek mis hulle. Soos ouers iets omtrent God se liefde leer in die liefde wat hulle vir hulle kinders het, so het ek ook baie geleer omtrent God en die unieke liefde wat ek vir elk van my katte gehad het, en steeds het.
My eerste kat het ek gekry toe ek sowat sewentien of agttien jaar oud was. Alhoewel ek al vir jare lank vir my ouers gesmeek het vir ’n kat, was dit eers op hierdie laat ouderdom dat ek ’n kat kon kry. My ma het altyd gesê dat sy soek nie ’n kat nie, want katte spring op kombuistafels. Dis onhegiënies. Wel toe ek so sewentien, agtienjaar oud is, toe het een van my vriende se katte ’n werpsel. Een van hulle het Siamesegelaatstrekke en ek is onmiddelik verlief. Ek het eenvoudig besluit dat ek soek daardie katjie.
Ek dink nie ek het eers my ouers se toestemming gevra nie. Teen die tyd was ek al oudgenoeg om te demonstreer dat ek na my troeteldiere kan omsien. Ek het alreeds deur die visse-, slakke-, konyne-, kuikens-, spinnekoppe-, sywurms-, rotte- en ander derglike fases gegaan. Ek het ook al twee honde gehad wat tot baie hoë ouderdomme (in honde jare, natuurlik) geleef het, om te demonstreer dat ek na my troeteldiere kan omsien. Ghuna het ek gekry toe ek ’n tjokkertjie was en hy het, ondanks ’n gebreukte poot, ’n lang en gelukkige lewe op die plaas gehad. Tyga het ek gekry toe ek sowat 10 jaar oud was. Ek en Tyga het letterlik saam groot geword. Jy is seker bewus van daardie ikoniese beelde van die plaasseun en sy hond wat in die veld hardloop en oor die plaashek spring? Wel dit was ek en Tyga. Ons het ure saam spandeer. Ons het saam in die plaasdam gaan swem. Ons het saam die veld gaan verken. Ons het selfs saam Taekwon-Do geoefen. Ek het my Taekwon-Do skoppe – op ’n gematigde spoed – op Tyga uitgeoefen en sy het, die ratse brak wat sy was, dit met redelik gemak ontduik en dan gehap-hap na my sodat ek ook moes koes. Sy was sonder twyfel die slimste hond wat ek nog tee gekom het. ’n Zimbabwese “retriever.” Basies ’n wit en swart labrador. ’n Wit familie wat gevlug het uit Zimbabwe tydens die 80s toe hulle plaas met geweld onteien is, was oppad Kaapstad toe (om sover as moontlik van Zimbabwe af te kom), en het een aand by ons op ons plaas oornag. Hulle het die hondjie daar by ons gelos. Dat ons eie plaas eendag onteien sou word deur ons eie regering kon ons in daardie tyd geensins indink nie; nietemin, dit is ook wat met ons plaas gebeur het. Ons plaas was teen ’n snelweg (die Ou Goue Hoofweg) en toe ek in my eerste of tweede jaar op universiteit was, is Tyga deur ’n bus op die snelweg doodgery.
My vriend het, toe die katjies grootgenoeg is om van hulle ma weggeneem te word, my Siameesgekleurde katjie daar op ons plaas aangebring. Ek het hom Tai-Chi gedoop. Tai-Chi was ’n baie gemaklike kat. Hy het altyd wanneer hy my kamer, wat op die derde verdieping was, binnegekom het, aangekondig met ’n oulike mieuau-groet. Hy’t rotte gevang soos dit ’n plaaskat betaam en waarop ek baie trots en dankbaar was omdat ek nie van rotte hou nie; ondanks ek op ’n tyd ’n witrot as troeteldier gehad het. As my eerste kat was Tai-Chi sekerlik die beste kat wat ’n beginner-katliefhebber kon hê. Ek het al ander katte beleef wat neulerig is, of net eenvoudig psigopaties is, maar Tai-Chi was die gemaklikste kat wat ’n mens kon indink. My jongerbroer het partykeer Tai-Chi om sy nek gesit en so rondgedra. Tai-Chi was heel gerieflik daarmee. Eendag het Tai-Chi net verdwyn.
My volgende kat was Shaolin. Ek was op universiteit. Dit was my tweede of derde jaar. Een van my vriende se kat het kleintjies gekry en Shaolin was ’n pragtige wyfie uit die werpsel. Shaolin was gryserig met van haar ma se tortoise-shell spikkels. Sy wild in geaardheid – baie anders as Tai-Chi. Sy was sonder twyfel ’n jagter en het partykeer haarself soos ’n hond gedra. Ek sou papierballe gooi wat sy dan gaan “vang” het en vir my terug gebring het – amper soos ’n hond wat ’n stok vir sy meester terug bring. Een van my gunsteling herinneringe van Shaolin was een aand na die reën toe die vlieënde reismiere uitkom. Ek en sy het gaan reismure vang. Ek weet sy het daarvan geëet. Ek kan nie onthou of ek ook probeer reismiere eet nie – maar dit sal my geensins verbaas indien ek ook reismiere gevang en dit dan later probeer braai het nie. Op daardie stadium in my lewe het ek baie geëksperimenteer met “kosse uit die veld.” Toe Shaolin sowat ses maande oud was, was sy op haar sexyste. Sy’t ook toe begin om buite die studentehuis se erf rond te loop. Ek is seker iemand het haar gesteel.
Whin-Chun het ek in ’n asblik opgetel. Ek was op my fiets oppad terug huis toe, toe ek die baba katjie hoor mieau. Uiteindelik het ek die gekerm opgespoor en die donkergrys katjie in ’n asblik gekry. Dit was Desember gewees. Ek het alleen in ’n studente huis gebly. Ek was sopas deur ’n verskeidenheid krisisse in my lewe. Die vorige jaar is my pa geskiet, my ma dood, en die familiebesigheid gevolglik bangkrot. Die huidige jaar is my meisie in ’n motorongeluk oorlede, my beste vriendin het breinskade opgedoen (sy’t gelukkig en wonderbaarlik daarvan herstel) en my beste vriend het die vrou van sy lewe ontmoet en dus nie veel tyd gehad vir sy depressiewe maatjie nie. Twee van my ander vriende – die een was ook in die motorongeluk, hy was die bestuurder, en die ander een het deur kwessies van sy eie gewerk – het ook aan depressie gelei en was tydens die vakansie by hulle onderskeie families. Ek was alleen, behalwe vir twee weke toe ek Whin-Chun gehad het. Die katjie was reeds siek (katsiekte) toe ek hom opgetel het. Ek het baie min geld gehad – amper niks nie – en die veearts wou nie eers na die katjie kyk nie omdat ek hom gevra het of ek hom kon afbetaal. Ek het gehuil. Toe Whin-Chun in my hande doodgaan het ek gesmeek en gebid en gehuil. Ek was bitter alleen en seer in daardie tyd.
Saju was my vierde kat. My jonger broer, na sy ervaringe met Tai-Chi, het ook intussen ’n katliefhebber geraak en aangesien ek reeds die ysgebreek het met ’n kat, was hy instaat om self ’n kat te kry. Die katte het toe kleintjies gekry en ek besluit toe om die lelikste een van die lot aan te neem en na die studente huis te neem die volgende jaar. Saju was regtig die lelikste dingetjie wat jy jou kon indink. Hy’t ’n brandsiekvelletjie gehad met yl haartjies en sy kop was te groot vir sy lyf. Eendag het iemand sardientjies geëet en ons besluit om vir Saju die visolie te gee. Die katjie het skoon gegrom as iemand naby die olie kom en het alles opgedrink. Maar kort daarna het Saju begin olie skyt. Al wat ek kon doen is om hom maar in die sandbak te sit en wag dat die ergste oor is. Daarna het ek Saju gaan sjampoo. Byna onmiddelik die volgende dag het Saju beter begin lyk. Sy yl haartjies het begin blink en kort voorlank was hy ’n spekvet olieblink katjie wat volkome vergenoeg was met die lewe. Saju het nooit gespring nie. Enige plek was vir hom netso goed soos ’n ander. Hy was my Zen-Buddhistiese katjie. Hy kon op enige plek lê en homself volkome gemaklik maak. Ek het by Saju geleer hoe om lekker te lê in obskure posisies – ek het by hom geleer van vergenoegdheid. Een aand het Saju onder ’n straatlamp gesit en serenade. Hy was ’n jong mannetjie en het begin bewus raak van wyfie katte. Dit was so mooi om hom so te sien, die straatlamp blink op sy glansende gryswitpels. Dit was die laaste aand wat ek hom gesien het. Ek verbeel my dat hy ’n wyfiekat gekry het en dat hulle êrens “happy ever after” saam lewe.
My vyfde kat is Juche. My vriendin – die een wat wonderbaarlik van breinskade genees het – het die lelike leepoog swart katjie op ’n brug opgetel. Sy ken was vel af en hy was eenvoudig verwilderd. Ek kan nie help om te dink dat iemand hom uit ’n kar gegooi het op die brug nie. Hoe anders sal so ’n klein katjie op ’n groot brug kom? As ’n kleinkatjie was Juche bang vir hoogte – seker sy brug-ervaring. As ek hom langs my op die bed of op ’n bank gesit het, het hy onmiddelik afgespring. Hy het altyd probeer om so laag as moontlik te kom. Hy het in ’n kartondoos langs my bed op die vloer geslaap. Juche was nooit heeltemal lekker nie. Sy kindertrauma het altyd by hom gebly. Ek het op ’n stadium (2003) na Natal getrek en Juche is saam. Hy kon ongelukkig nie by my in my rondawel bly nie – die oord het nie katte toegelaat nie. Daarom het hy gebly by ouers van my vriendin wie se huis nie te ver van my af was nie. Aanvanklik het hy lekker so gebly, maar die ouers het tot skei gekom. My vriendin se ma het Juche saam met haar geneem, maar hy het altyd terug geloop na die vorige erf toe. Op die erf het ’n ouma in ’n granny-flat gebly. Juche het nooit van “alleen-eet” gehou nie en die ouma en Juche het mekaar so gevind. Ek dink sy het ook nie van alleen-eet gehou nie. Maar eventueel het die tannie doodgegaan. Sommer so, sonder waarskuwing. Juche en die pa se bywyf het mekaar gevind. En alhoewel die pa nie juis van troeteldiere—veral nie die katte—hou nie, het Juche glo selfs saam met Pa en bywyf op die bed geslaap. Eventueel is Pa en bywyf ook uitmekaar uit en het bywyf Juche saam met haar geneem en bly nou glo gelukkig êrens in Richardsbaai. Al hierdie dinge het met Juche gebeur omdat hy regtig vir my gelukkig in Natal gelyk het. Ek wou hom graag saam met my terug bring Transvaal toe, toe ek in 2004 terug getrek het, maar ek het gedink dit sal wreed wees om hom weer te ontwortel in ’n plek waar hy duidelik gefloreer het. Ek mis my leepoog swartkat.
Ek mis al my katte. Ek wens dat ek nou weer vir my ’n kat as troeteldier kan aanskaf, maar ek het geen sekerheid oor my langtermynplanne nie. Dalk trek ek oor twee jaar terug Suid-Afrika toe, of miskien zirts ek Europa toe. Wie weet? Wat doen ek dan met my kat? Die idee dat die kat getraumatiseerd op die vliegtuig gaan wees en dan agterna êrens in kwarentyn aangehou moet word, is te veel vir my. Katte hou nie van kar-ry nie, wat nog te praat van ’n vliegtuig. Nee wat, ek sal dit nie aan ’n kat kan doen nie, en daarom sal ek nie nou vir my ’n kat kry nie – nie totdat ek meer sekerheid het oor waar ek langtermyn gaan wortelskiet nie.
Aai, maar ek mis my katte.
Aangesien ek nie kinders het nie en teen die tempo en rigting waarin my lewe tans beweeg lyk dit onwaarskynlik dat ek ooit kinders sal hê—nie te praat van die feit dat ek eintlik nie kinders wil hê nie, is die naaste wat ek aan kinders kom my katte en my geliefdes se kinders. Ek het sover vyf katte in my lewe gehad. Elke kat het ’n eiesoortige spesiale plek in my hart en ek mis hulle. Soos ouers iets omtrent God se liefde leer in die liefde wat hulle vir hulle kinders het, so het ek ook baie geleer omtrent God en die unieke liefde wat ek vir elk van my katte gehad het, en steeds het.
My eerste kat het ek gekry toe ek sowat sewentien of agttien jaar oud was. Alhoewel ek al vir jare lank vir my ouers gesmeek het vir ’n kat, was dit eers op hierdie laat ouderdom dat ek ’n kat kon kry. My ma het altyd gesê dat sy soek nie ’n kat nie, want katte spring op kombuistafels. Dis onhegiënies. Wel toe ek so sewentien, agtienjaar oud is, toe het een van my vriende se katte ’n werpsel. Een van hulle het Siamesegelaatstrekke en ek is onmiddelik verlief. Ek het eenvoudig besluit dat ek soek daardie katjie.
Ek dink nie ek het eers my ouers se toestemming gevra nie. Teen die tyd was ek al oudgenoeg om te demonstreer dat ek na my troeteldiere kan omsien. Ek het alreeds deur die visse-, slakke-, konyne-, kuikens-, spinnekoppe-, sywurms-, rotte- en ander derglike fases gegaan. Ek het ook al twee honde gehad wat tot baie hoë ouderdomme (in honde jare, natuurlik) geleef het, om te demonstreer dat ek na my troeteldiere kan omsien. Ghuna het ek gekry toe ek ’n tjokkertjie was en hy het, ondanks ’n gebreukte poot, ’n lang en gelukkige lewe op die plaas gehad. Tyga het ek gekry toe ek sowat 10 jaar oud was. Ek en Tyga het letterlik saam groot geword. Jy is seker bewus van daardie ikoniese beelde van die plaasseun en sy hond wat in die veld hardloop en oor die plaashek spring? Wel dit was ek en Tyga. Ons het ure saam spandeer. Ons het saam in die plaasdam gaan swem. Ons het saam die veld gaan verken. Ons het selfs saam Taekwon-Do geoefen. Ek het my Taekwon-Do skoppe – op ’n gematigde spoed – op Tyga uitgeoefen en sy het, die ratse brak wat sy was, dit met redelik gemak ontduik en dan gehap-hap na my sodat ek ook moes koes. Sy was sonder twyfel die slimste hond wat ek nog tee gekom het. ’n Zimbabwese “retriever.” Basies ’n wit en swart labrador. ’n Wit familie wat gevlug het uit Zimbabwe tydens die 80s toe hulle plaas met geweld onteien is, was oppad Kaapstad toe (om sover as moontlik van Zimbabwe af te kom), en het een aand by ons op ons plaas oornag. Hulle het die hondjie daar by ons gelos. Dat ons eie plaas eendag onteien sou word deur ons eie regering kon ons in daardie tyd geensins indink nie; nietemin, dit is ook wat met ons plaas gebeur het. Ons plaas was teen ’n snelweg (die Ou Goue Hoofweg) en toe ek in my eerste of tweede jaar op universiteit was, is Tyga deur ’n bus op die snelweg doodgery.
My vriend het, toe die katjies grootgenoeg is om van hulle ma weggeneem te word, my Siameesgekleurde katjie daar op ons plaas aangebring. Ek het hom Tai-Chi gedoop. Tai-Chi was ’n baie gemaklike kat. Hy het altyd wanneer hy my kamer, wat op die derde verdieping was, binnegekom het, aangekondig met ’n oulike mieuau-groet. Hy’t rotte gevang soos dit ’n plaaskat betaam en waarop ek baie trots en dankbaar was omdat ek nie van rotte hou nie; ondanks ek op ’n tyd ’n witrot as troeteldier gehad het. As my eerste kat was Tai-Chi sekerlik die beste kat wat ’n beginner-katliefhebber kon hê. Ek het al ander katte beleef wat neulerig is, of net eenvoudig psigopaties is, maar Tai-Chi was die gemaklikste kat wat ’n mens kon indink. My jongerbroer het partykeer Tai-Chi om sy nek gesit en so rondgedra. Tai-Chi was heel gerieflik daarmee. Eendag het Tai-Chi net verdwyn.
My volgende kat was Shaolin. Ek was op universiteit. Dit was my tweede of derde jaar. Een van my vriende se kat het kleintjies gekry en Shaolin was ’n pragtige wyfie uit die werpsel. Shaolin was gryserig met van haar ma se tortoise-shell spikkels. Sy wild in geaardheid – baie anders as Tai-Chi. Sy was sonder twyfel ’n jagter en het partykeer haarself soos ’n hond gedra. Ek sou papierballe gooi wat sy dan gaan “vang” het en vir my terug gebring het – amper soos ’n hond wat ’n stok vir sy meester terug bring. Een van my gunsteling herinneringe van Shaolin was een aand na die reën toe die vlieënde reismiere uitkom. Ek en sy het gaan reismure vang. Ek weet sy het daarvan geëet. Ek kan nie onthou of ek ook probeer reismiere eet nie – maar dit sal my geensins verbaas indien ek ook reismiere gevang en dit dan later probeer braai het nie. Op daardie stadium in my lewe het ek baie geëksperimenteer met “kosse uit die veld.” Toe Shaolin sowat ses maande oud was, was sy op haar sexyste. Sy’t ook toe begin om buite die studentehuis se erf rond te loop. Ek is seker iemand het haar gesteel.
Whin-Chun het ek in ’n asblik opgetel. Ek was op my fiets oppad terug huis toe, toe ek die baba katjie hoor mieau. Uiteindelik het ek die gekerm opgespoor en die donkergrys katjie in ’n asblik gekry. Dit was Desember gewees. Ek het alleen in ’n studente huis gebly. Ek was sopas deur ’n verskeidenheid krisisse in my lewe. Die vorige jaar is my pa geskiet, my ma dood, en die familiebesigheid gevolglik bangkrot. Die huidige jaar is my meisie in ’n motorongeluk oorlede, my beste vriendin het breinskade opgedoen (sy’t gelukkig en wonderbaarlik daarvan herstel) en my beste vriend het die vrou van sy lewe ontmoet en dus nie veel tyd gehad vir sy depressiewe maatjie nie. Twee van my ander vriende – die een was ook in die motorongeluk, hy was die bestuurder, en die ander een het deur kwessies van sy eie gewerk – het ook aan depressie gelei en was tydens die vakansie by hulle onderskeie families. Ek was alleen, behalwe vir twee weke toe ek Whin-Chun gehad het. Die katjie was reeds siek (katsiekte) toe ek hom opgetel het. Ek het baie min geld gehad – amper niks nie – en die veearts wou nie eers na die katjie kyk nie omdat ek hom gevra het of ek hom kon afbetaal. Ek het gehuil. Toe Whin-Chun in my hande doodgaan het ek gesmeek en gebid en gehuil. Ek was bitter alleen en seer in daardie tyd.
Saju was my vierde kat. My jonger broer, na sy ervaringe met Tai-Chi, het ook intussen ’n katliefhebber geraak en aangesien ek reeds die ysgebreek het met ’n kat, was hy instaat om self ’n kat te kry. Die katte het toe kleintjies gekry en ek besluit toe om die lelikste een van die lot aan te neem en na die studente huis te neem die volgende jaar. Saju was regtig die lelikste dingetjie wat jy jou kon indink. Hy’t ’n brandsiekvelletjie gehad met yl haartjies en sy kop was te groot vir sy lyf. Eendag het iemand sardientjies geëet en ons besluit om vir Saju die visolie te gee. Die katjie het skoon gegrom as iemand naby die olie kom en het alles opgedrink. Maar kort daarna het Saju begin olie skyt. Al wat ek kon doen is om hom maar in die sandbak te sit en wag dat die ergste oor is. Daarna het ek Saju gaan sjampoo. Byna onmiddelik die volgende dag het Saju beter begin lyk. Sy yl haartjies het begin blink en kort voorlank was hy ’n spekvet olieblink katjie wat volkome vergenoeg was met die lewe. Saju het nooit gespring nie. Enige plek was vir hom netso goed soos ’n ander. Hy was my Zen-Buddhistiese katjie. Hy kon op enige plek lê en homself volkome gemaklik maak. Ek het by Saju geleer hoe om lekker te lê in obskure posisies – ek het by hom geleer van vergenoegdheid. Een aand het Saju onder ’n straatlamp gesit en serenade. Hy was ’n jong mannetjie en het begin bewus raak van wyfie katte. Dit was so mooi om hom so te sien, die straatlamp blink op sy glansende gryswitpels. Dit was die laaste aand wat ek hom gesien het. Ek verbeel my dat hy ’n wyfiekat gekry het en dat hulle êrens “happy ever after” saam lewe.
My vyfde kat is Juche. My vriendin – die een wat wonderbaarlik van breinskade genees het – het die lelike leepoog swart katjie op ’n brug opgetel. Sy ken was vel af en hy was eenvoudig verwilderd. Ek kan nie help om te dink dat iemand hom uit ’n kar gegooi het op die brug nie. Hoe anders sal so ’n klein katjie op ’n groot brug kom? As ’n kleinkatjie was Juche bang vir hoogte – seker sy brug-ervaring. As ek hom langs my op die bed of op ’n bank gesit het, het hy onmiddelik afgespring. Hy het altyd probeer om so laag as moontlik te kom. Hy het in ’n kartondoos langs my bed op die vloer geslaap. Juche was nooit heeltemal lekker nie. Sy kindertrauma het altyd by hom gebly. Ek het op ’n stadium (2003) na Natal getrek en Juche is saam. Hy kon ongelukkig nie by my in my rondawel bly nie – die oord het nie katte toegelaat nie. Daarom het hy gebly by ouers van my vriendin wie se huis nie te ver van my af was nie. Aanvanklik het hy lekker so gebly, maar die ouers het tot skei gekom. My vriendin se ma het Juche saam met haar geneem, maar hy het altyd terug geloop na die vorige erf toe. Op die erf het ’n ouma in ’n granny-flat gebly. Juche het nooit van “alleen-eet” gehou nie en die ouma en Juche het mekaar so gevind. Ek dink sy het ook nie van alleen-eet gehou nie. Maar eventueel het die tannie doodgegaan. Sommer so, sonder waarskuwing. Juche en die pa se bywyf het mekaar gevind. En alhoewel die pa nie juis van troeteldiere—veral nie die katte—hou nie, het Juche glo selfs saam met Pa en bywyf op die bed geslaap. Eventueel is Pa en bywyf ook uitmekaar uit en het bywyf Juche saam met haar geneem en bly nou glo gelukkig êrens in Richardsbaai. Al hierdie dinge het met Juche gebeur omdat hy regtig vir my gelukkig in Natal gelyk het. Ek wou hom graag saam met my terug bring Transvaal toe, toe ek in 2004 terug getrek het, maar ek het gedink dit sal wreed wees om hom weer te ontwortel in ’n plek waar hy duidelik gefloreer het. Ek mis my leepoog swartkat.
Ek mis al my katte. Ek wens dat ek nou weer vir my ’n kat as troeteldier kan aanskaf, maar ek het geen sekerheid oor my langtermynplanne nie. Dalk trek ek oor twee jaar terug Suid-Afrika toe, of miskien zirts ek Europa toe. Wie weet? Wat doen ek dan met my kat? Die idee dat die kat getraumatiseerd op die vliegtuig gaan wees en dan agterna êrens in kwarentyn aangehou moet word, is te veel vir my. Katte hou nie van kar-ry nie, wat nog te praat van ’n vliegtuig. Nee wat, ek sal dit nie aan ’n kat kan doen nie, en daarom sal ek nie nou vir my ’n kat kry nie – nie totdat ek meer sekerheid het oor waar ek langtermyn gaan wortelskiet nie.
Aai, maar ek mis my katte.
Friday, 25 June 2010
How Ricky Martin Bangs
So I hear Ricky Martin is gay.
According to popular stereotype straight men can't dance, and if there is one thing that Ricky does know how to do, it is to dance. So I guess we ought not be too surprised at his recent relevation.
I wonder how his official homosexual status will influence his sales as a singer? Will his girl fanbase now be completely taken over by pink money? His songs and music videos have always, at least in my opinion, catered for the heterosexual market. Take for instance his "She Bangs" song and music video:
Speaking of videos, who is the target market for this eerie seductive video promoting his coming album?
The video looks more like part of a postmodern art exhibition than a marketing stunt for a new latin pop album.
In other news, Ricky is going to play the character Che in the Broadway musical Evita next year.
According to popular stereotype straight men can't dance, and if there is one thing that Ricky does know how to do, it is to dance. So I guess we ought not be too surprised at his recent relevation.
I wonder how his official homosexual status will influence his sales as a singer? Will his girl fanbase now be completely taken over by pink money? His songs and music videos have always, at least in my opinion, catered for the heterosexual market. Take for instance his "She Bangs" song and music video:
Speaking of videos, who is the target market for this eerie seductive video promoting his coming album?
The video looks more like part of a postmodern art exhibition than a marketing stunt for a new latin pop album.
In other news, Ricky is going to play the character Che in the Broadway musical Evita next year.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Finding My Own (Hapki-) "Do"
A photo of me and one of the instructors at the dojang -- dating 2007.
I didn’t expect that I would feel so emotional.
Earlier this evening I went to see the Head of the Hapkido gym where I have been training since I came to Korea the first time. I went to tell him that I am discontinuing my regular training at his school and that I will instead continue my training in Hapkido on occasion with instructors irregularly, most likely over weekends. After explaining it to him, getting my black belt from where it hung between the other black belts, bowing to him and the other members in the dojang, and giving my final salute, I left the gym; feeling overwhelmingly sad. I have “outgrown” that school and the only way for my to progress is to leave it.
It is not that I have learned everything that that school and the master can teach me – far from it! There is still much I can learn. It is just that the ratio between what I am learning (and the rate at which I’m learning it) to the time, effort, and money I'm investing is not worth it for me at the present moment. I guess the language barrier has become a big contributing factor towards my decision. There is only so much one can learn via the monkey-see-monkey-do method. I've long passed that level in my martial art career. I am truly sad about leaving. This dojang was my very first and longest lasting martial art “home” in Korea. To tell my instructor that I’m leaving home is similar to a young bird leaving its nest. It is frightening. But it is also necessary because only outside the nest can the bird really mature. I’m not cutting all ties with the dojang; I will still visit there every so often; but for now, the bird has left the nest.
The moment I stepped out of the dojang, knowing that I’ve chosen a new path for my Hapkido-journey, I felt immediately homesick. I walked to a restaurant to have dinner, but had lost my appetite. When my food arrived I let it stand—pretending to let it cool off—for probably a quarter of an hour before I started to eat. While the decision caused melancholy, I am not regretting it. Another Hapkido instructor (and also a close friend) explained to me that there comes a time in every Hapkido practitioner’s journey that he has to find his own Do – “Way.”
When I arrived home tonight and read my emails, I saw a notice from a bookshop informing me that a Hapkido book I ordered had arrived. I’ll go pick it up tomorrow.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
My Meetup Group, Tricking and My Very First Video
I've started a Meetup-community for martial artists in Seoul, called The Seoul Martial Art Circle. Basically it is a way for people interested in martial arts to get together and cross train, get exposed to different styles, or inform each other of martial art related events.
This last Sunday morning we had an "Introduction to Tricking Workshop." You can read more about it at my other blog and also see the little video I made. An interesting note is that this is the first video I've edited in my life! A brother of mine and one of my close friends are both video editors. So although I've seen the process many times, I've never done it myself. That is, until an hour ago.
This last Sunday morning we had an "Introduction to Tricking Workshop." You can read more about it at my other blog and also see the little video I made. An interesting note is that this is the first video I've edited in my life! A brother of mine and one of my close friends are both video editors. So although I've seen the process many times, I've never done it myself. That is, until an hour ago.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Julias Fall
I like Julias Fall's fashions. His designs have an interestings gothic / post-apocalyptic / sci-fi feal to it. I would really like to see some good sci-fi films in the line of Firefly or Mad Max using Julias Fall's wardrobe.
Homeless Soccer World Cup
Now here is a soccer world cup that is really worthy of our attention and support. It brought tears to my eyes. The Homeless World Cup project is one of the many projects covered by From Us With Love.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Mika Concert and Soccer
Last weekend I went to see Mika perform live in Seoul at the Olympic Hall. The performance was followed up by a live screening of Korea versus Greece in FIFA.
I’ve been aware of Mika, but do not own an album (yet). The show was marvellous, with some very strange surreal things happening on stage. Mika is an excellent artist with an amazing vocal range. He’s music is very upbeat and one cannot help feel energized afterwards. I would easily go watch him again. What I did notice about his sound is how much of it resonate with the sound of Robbie Williams (of whom I do own many albums). However, Mika's sound is a little more eclectic, mixing pop, jazz, soft rock and techno into a pleasant happy vibe.
The video below was uploaded by someone on YouTube that also attended the show. The video below that is an official video.
The Korea vs Greece game was nerve wrecking. Korea scored the first goal within about seven minutes after kick off. The game ended with Korea and Greece with equal goals scored.
Three Short Film Reviews
Some movies I've seen recently.
Prince of Persia (2010)
Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time is a must see for any Parkour enthusiast. Apart from this niche audience, it seems that main audience for this film is teenage boys. It’s an action adventure with nice special effects and a princess with a full bosom. The acting is bearable, although the serious discrepancy in accents (all three the brothers have different accents?!) gets irritating at times. Nonetheless, a fun film if you don’t expect theatrical brilliance. The director, Mike Newell, also directed Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), one of the better Harry Potter films in my opinion, Donnie Brasco (1997) and the classic romantic-comedy Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994). Playing the “Prince of Persia” is none other than a buffed up Jake Gyllenhaal, who acted as Heath Ledger’s bottom in Brokeback Mountain. The damsel in distress—or rather the bitchy princess—is played by Gemma Arterton, who also played in Clash of the Titans opposite Sam Worthington. I think I liked her better in Clash of the Titans. Apart from the Parkour scenes which I thoroughly enjoyed, it was also nice to see this computer game come to life. I remember playing Prince of Persia on my old XP PC, probably 20 or so years ago.
The Ghost Writer (2010)
I seldom watch thrillers but was curious about The Ghost Writer. A ghostwriter (Ewan McGregor) is hired to turn the memoires of a former prime minister (Pierce Brosnan) into a best-selling autobiography. He soon finds out that he is to replace the previous ghostwriter who “accidently” drowned. Before long he finds himself entangled in more than he bargained for. The film does not rely on unbelievable twists to sell it like so many Hollywood films do. Rather, the mystery unfolds slowly, but with enough intrigue to keep the viewer engaged up until the very end. The director, Roman Polanski, is responsible for such classics as The Pianist (2002), Chinatown (1974) and Rosemary’s Baby (1968). In recent years he has become better known for a sexual abuse case in which he allegedly drugged a thirteen year old girl. As far as I know, Pollanski is supposed to be under house arrest, so I’m not sure how he was able to direct this film. I think it may have been shot "on location"; meaning at Pollanski's own home. (Watch PajamaTV discuss Hollywood's "Free Pollanski" movement.)
Sword of the Stranger (2007)
A Japanese animation about a young boy and his dog being hunted by warriors from the Ming Dynasty. A reluctant sword fighter becomes involved and promise to help the boy to get to a certain Buddhist temple were he’ll be safe. The journey is a perilous one with lots of blood and violence. An enjoyable anime worth seeing by anime fans.
Prince of Persia (2010)
Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time is a must see for any Parkour enthusiast. Apart from this niche audience, it seems that main audience for this film is teenage boys. It’s an action adventure with nice special effects and a princess with a full bosom. The acting is bearable, although the serious discrepancy in accents (all three the brothers have different accents?!) gets irritating at times. Nonetheless, a fun film if you don’t expect theatrical brilliance. The director, Mike Newell, also directed Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), one of the better Harry Potter films in my opinion, Donnie Brasco (1997) and the classic romantic-comedy Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994). Playing the “Prince of Persia” is none other than a buffed up Jake Gyllenhaal, who acted as Heath Ledger’s bottom in Brokeback Mountain. The damsel in distress—or rather the bitchy princess—is played by Gemma Arterton, who also played in Clash of the Titans opposite Sam Worthington. I think I liked her better in Clash of the Titans. Apart from the Parkour scenes which I thoroughly enjoyed, it was also nice to see this computer game come to life. I remember playing Prince of Persia on my old XP PC, probably 20 or so years ago.
The Ghost Writer (2010)
I seldom watch thrillers but was curious about The Ghost Writer. A ghostwriter (Ewan McGregor) is hired to turn the memoires of a former prime minister (Pierce Brosnan) into a best-selling autobiography. He soon finds out that he is to replace the previous ghostwriter who “accidently” drowned. Before long he finds himself entangled in more than he bargained for. The film does not rely on unbelievable twists to sell it like so many Hollywood films do. Rather, the mystery unfolds slowly, but with enough intrigue to keep the viewer engaged up until the very end. The director, Roman Polanski, is responsible for such classics as The Pianist (2002), Chinatown (1974) and Rosemary’s Baby (1968). In recent years he has become better known for a sexual abuse case in which he allegedly drugged a thirteen year old girl. As far as I know, Pollanski is supposed to be under house arrest, so I’m not sure how he was able to direct this film. I think it may have been shot "on location"; meaning at Pollanski's own home. (Watch PajamaTV discuss Hollywood's "Free Pollanski" movement.)
Sword of the Stranger (2007)
A Japanese animation about a young boy and his dog being hunted by warriors from the Ming Dynasty. A reluctant sword fighter becomes involved and promise to help the boy to get to a certain Buddhist temple were he’ll be safe. The journey is a perilous one with lots of blood and violence. An enjoyable anime worth seeing by anime fans.
Friday, 18 June 2010
My Brother's Work
This is another open my younger brother made for a 13-part series that will be featuring on a Christian television channel. I think he mentioned that it will start showing in October. The title of the show, "The Everlasting Gospel," comes from Revelation 14:6: "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people..."
Some of my earliest memories are of me on my yellow and red tricycle. I then moved on to a little bicycle with some support wheels that was slightly bent which meant that they did not support me all the time. It was a Christmas or birthday gift. I remember racing down terrible gravel roads struggling to keep my balance. Learning to ride the bike is something I did by myself. Much of my childhood victories were solitary experiences.
I grew up with BMXs and later mountain bikes. I've never enjoyed racing bikes, finding it boring. I guess it is for this same reason that I enjoy to do parkour, but I strongly dislike jogging. Parkour, like mountain biking, presents you with interesting terrains and forces you to come up with creative on-the-spot solutions.
The guy in the video below proves me wrong. He deftly uses a racing bike like a mountain bike, combining the speed and smoothness of racing bikes with the dexterity and excitement of a mountain bike.
I've been contemplating getting a bicycle. I use public transport all the time. From my apartment I need to walk about ten to fifteen minutes to catch the bus. Getting a bike will greatly reduce that time. I also live at the foot of a mountain, so having a mountain bike may be great fun. Of course, it is quite unlikely that I will go mountain biking much. As it is my time is so finely sliced that I doubt such fancies of going mountain biking will come to much. Nonetheless, I still walk daily to the bus stop, so a bike may still come in handy -- at least to save some time, if not to provide some pleasure.
I grew up with BMXs and later mountain bikes. I've never enjoyed racing bikes, finding it boring. I guess it is for this same reason that I enjoy to do parkour, but I strongly dislike jogging. Parkour, like mountain biking, presents you with interesting terrains and forces you to come up with creative on-the-spot solutions.
The guy in the video below proves me wrong. He deftly uses a racing bike like a mountain bike, combining the speed and smoothness of racing bikes with the dexterity and excitement of a mountain bike.
I've been contemplating getting a bicycle. I use public transport all the time. From my apartment I need to walk about ten to fifteen minutes to catch the bus. Getting a bike will greatly reduce that time. I also live at the foot of a mountain, so having a mountain bike may be great fun. Of course, it is quite unlikely that I will go mountain biking much. As it is my time is so finely sliced that I doubt such fancies of going mountain biking will come to much. Nonetheless, I still walk daily to the bus stop, so a bike may still come in handy -- at least to save some time, if not to provide some pleasure.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
My Hapkido Future
Image from Wikipedia.Org
I find myself facing a hard decision. I’m contemplating not going to the Hapkido gym, where I’ve practiced since 2006, anymore. The reason is that I’m just not really growing anymore. At the moment I can learn more from books than from actually attending regular classes. The classes focus too much on things, for instance kicking, that I do not need to train in – I already have 15 years of kicking experience from doing Taekwon-Do. My purpose for taking up Hapkido was to learn the joint-manipulation techniques and the associated “circle”-principles. The gym I’m training at just doesn’t give me enough exposure to these things to make it worth the time, effort, and money anymore.
I’ve spoken to different people about it. My Taekwon-Do instructor says the problem is that my technique is too advanced so that the basics taught at these classes are not stimulating me anymore. Not trying to blow my own horn, but he is correct. I’m not really learning much anymore. He also added that the most martial art classes are geared for quantity (in members), not quality, and that this is inevitable due to the economic downturn across the globe, and also in Korea.The martial arts in Korea is big business, let none be fooled.
A Hapkido instructor told me what one of his instructors one’s told him: “If you want to continue learning, you need to travel.” The implication is that if you are not growing where you’re at, you may need to find another place where you can grow. He also mentioned something interesting. He said that my Hapkido experience had been somewhat reversed. Most people learn the martial arts by studying the techniques first and then extrapolating the underlying principles from these techniques as they become more settled in the martial art. On the other hand, because of my many years of martial art experience I learned the principles first, and then learned and understood the techniques based on the principles. For this reason I’m not satisfied with merely learning the simple techniques anymore. He is also correct. I believe that one correctly understood principle is more valuable than a hundred techniques. I’ve acquainted myself with much of the principles and now wish to practise these principles, but the current dojang does not really present me with opportunities to do so. He continued to say that in Hapkido, unlike many martial arts, once you have the principles down you should “find your own way.” This is something I’ve truly enjoyed about Hapkido – its freedom. However, this is what is putting me in a dilemma now. In order to find my own way I have to spread my wings and invest that time and energy somewhere else that will be more conducive to my growth.
Having to leave this gym is very hard for me. I’ve been there for four years now. It was the first gym I joined when I first came to Korea and I’ve grown quite fond of it and the Master there. I have developed a loyalty to the master and his gym. Unfortunately, if I stay, I will stifle my enjoyment of Hapkido and may end up quitting it altogether. Ironically, in order to save my practise of Hapkido I need to quit.
I’m still contemplating how I will continue practising Hapkido once I discontinue practissing at this gym, which will probably be at the end of this month.. For one, I’m considering private lessons with Hapkido instructors. Another option is to find other relatively higher level students and train with them. A third alternative is to start teaching Hapkido. The Taekwon-Do gym I’m at teaches a variety of martial arts and we augment our Taekwon-Do practise with Hapkido techniques. I could always include more formal Hapkido training to our curriculum. I know the gym owner will be open to the idea.
Monday, 14 June 2010
If You Don't Use It, You Lose it; of hoe sê ek?
Gister speel ek ’n Afrikaanse liedjie op YouTube vir ’n kolega en poog om die lirieke in Engels te vertaal. Tot my groot skok kon ek dit nie ordentlik doen nie. Het my Afrikaans sodanig verswak?! Of is dit my Engels? Hoe ookal, ek kon nie met gemak die Afrikaanse lirieke in Engels bewoord nie.
Ek funksioneer die meeste van die tyd in Engels hier in Korea. Ek praat Engels 90% van die tyd. Die oorblywende 10% word gedeel deur Koreaans en Afrikaans, waarvan Koreaans seker die groter deel neem. My leesstof is byna eksklusief Engels. Die films en ander programme wat ek kyk is seker ook 80% Engels, met die oorblywende persentasie verdeel tussen Koreaans en Japanees. Die enigste tyd wat ek Afrikaans geniet is eenkeer per weer wanneer ek RSG se "Kommentaar" nuusprogram aflaai. Ek het nie enige Afrikaanse leestof nie. So af en toe lees ek ’n Afrikaanse bloginskrywing êrens. Ek het wel ’n Afrikaanse Bybel, maar is meer geneig om my Engelse Bybel te gebruik. Ek is bevrees dat ek is besig om Afrikaans te verleer. Ek ken wel ’n paar Afrikaanse mense in Korea maar ek sien hulle byna nooit nie. My week is gans te vol en naweke is baie keer weke vooruit beplan.
If you don’t use it, you lose it, en ek is besig om dit te lose. Aai tog! Ek sal ’n plan moet maak. Ek sal vir my ’n paar Afrikaanse boeke moet bestel en bietjie meer na my Afrikaanse musiek moet luister. My Afrikaanssprekende vriende, skryf asseblief meer gereeld vir my anders gaan ek volgende keer wanneer ek vir jou kom kuier die heeltyd in Engels gesels en ons almal weet dat ’n mens nie in Engels kan kuier nie.
Ek funksioneer die meeste van die tyd in Engels hier in Korea. Ek praat Engels 90% van die tyd. Die oorblywende 10% word gedeel deur Koreaans en Afrikaans, waarvan Koreaans seker die groter deel neem. My leesstof is byna eksklusief Engels. Die films en ander programme wat ek kyk is seker ook 80% Engels, met die oorblywende persentasie verdeel tussen Koreaans en Japanees. Die enigste tyd wat ek Afrikaans geniet is eenkeer per weer wanneer ek RSG se "Kommentaar" nuusprogram aflaai. Ek het nie enige Afrikaanse leestof nie. So af en toe lees ek ’n Afrikaanse bloginskrywing êrens. Ek het wel ’n Afrikaanse Bybel, maar is meer geneig om my Engelse Bybel te gebruik. Ek is bevrees dat ek is besig om Afrikaans te verleer. Ek ken wel ’n paar Afrikaanse mense in Korea maar ek sien hulle byna nooit nie. My week is gans te vol en naweke is baie keer weke vooruit beplan.
If you don’t use it, you lose it, en ek is besig om dit te lose. Aai tog! Ek sal ’n plan moet maak. Ek sal vir my ’n paar Afrikaanse boeke moet bestel en bietjie meer na my Afrikaanse musiek moet luister. My Afrikaanssprekende vriende, skryf asseblief meer gereeld vir my anders gaan ek volgende keer wanneer ek vir jou kom kuier die heeltyd in Engels gesels en ons almal weet dat ’n mens nie in Engels kan kuier nie.
The Spill, the Scandal, and the President
President Obama in Port Fourchon, Louisiana, May 28, 2010.
This is an article well worth reading about how the Obama administration is partially to blame for the oil disaster.
On May 27th, more than a month into the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, Barack Obama strode to the podium in the East Room of the White House. For weeks, the administration had been insisting that BP alone was to blame for the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf – and the ongoing failure to stop the massive leak. "They have the technical expertise to plug the hole," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs had said only six days earlier. "It is their responsibility." The president, Gibbs added, lacked the authority to play anything more than a supervisory role – a curious line of argument from an administration that has reserved the right to assassinate American citizens abroad and has nationalized much of the auto industry. "If BP is not accomplishing the task, can you just federalize it?" a reporter asked. "No," Gibbs replied.
See the video below in which Democracy Now interviews the author of the article "The Spill, the Scandal, and the President," Jim Dickinson.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Body Painting
Some interesting and beautiful body painting from Various Kinds of Body-Painting Art and Body Painting Pictures.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Friday, 11 June 2010
Teaching Roster for Next Semester
(Image Source: University of Texas at Austin)
I received the final list of classes that I will be teaching next semester. It is a strange mix of literature, language skills and academic literature:
- 19th & 20th Century American Poetry
- Public Speaking & Presentation
- English Pronunciation
- Intermediate & Listening Conversation
- Essay Writing
I was at first a little disappointed that I won’t be teaching more literature subjects, but then I realised that it is probably a blessing in disguise. The literature classes takes much more time to prepare than the language classes and even thought the academic literacy classes require a lot of paper grading, it will still be less than what I did this semester. I've been overworked this semester and can really do with some time to recuperate.
Today I taught my last classes for this semester. I’m especially happy that I’m finished with the Research Methodology class. It is a lot of work, a lot of stress, and a lot of time. I will miss the British and American Essays and the Romantic English Poetry classes. They are my favourite.
This semester has been my toughest one yet. I truly look forward to next semester. Not only will the workload be less, I’m also teaching fewer hours; at least two hours less. My teaching roster is also quite pleasant. Although I have quite a couple of classes starting the first period, all my classes finish before 14:00, which means I will have more leeway in the afternoon. I hope that this will allow me some time to focus on some other things that I’ve neglected the last couple of months. I might even be able to make time for some academic writing that I’ve had to put on hold.
"By the Door" by Yann Kerloc'h
I liked this short video (about 2 minutes) by Yann Kerloc'h, posted at The Three Monkeys. It is simply a couple of shots of different angles of one of the grand doors at one of the palaces in Korea, presumably Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul. There is something relaxing about it -- as if you are a fly against a wall, or a CCTV camera just looking, but with no real objective or focus. You are just staring out in front of you. The fact that you are at one of the great historical sites in Korea seems somewhat accidental. At the same time the creaking of the big wooden door creates a sinister tension with the tourists that are going on their merry way, seemingly oblivious to the moans and groans of the ancient door.
By the door from Yann Kerloc'h on Vimeo.
By the door from Yann Kerloc'h on Vimeo.
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Little Dragon
While searching online for more information about the children's play "The Little Dragon" that will start showing in Korea soon, I stumbled upon this music video of a band called Little Dragon on YouTube. The video features shadow puppets and achieves an interesting surrealism that matches well with the eerie song.
In the meantime I've listened to a number of their songs I think I will have to get me some Little Dragon for my music collection.
As for the play, I wish I could find out more about it.
I quite enjoy professional plays for children. Last year, for instance, I went to see the enjoyable performance of Peter and the Wolf. A lover of the "other wordly" like myself often needs to venture to the "younger" categories to get my fantasy fix.
During my YouTube-browsing I also stumbled upon a film trailer for a clay animation called "Le Petit Dragon," French for "The Little Dragon," which is about a little Bruce Lee figurine that comes to life. It looks like a fun little movie. I wish I could see the whole thing.
In the meantime I've listened to a number of their songs I think I will have to get me some Little Dragon for my music collection.
As for the play, I wish I could find out more about it.
I quite enjoy professional plays for children. Last year, for instance, I went to see the enjoyable performance of Peter and the Wolf. A lover of the "other wordly" like myself often needs to venture to the "younger" categories to get my fantasy fix.
During my YouTube-browsing I also stumbled upon a film trailer for a clay animation called "Le Petit Dragon," French for "The Little Dragon," which is about a little Bruce Lee figurine that comes to life. It looks like a fun little movie. I wish I could see the whole thing.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
"Vuurvors" -- 'n fantasie-avontuurverhaal
Hier is die openingstoneel vir 'n fantasieverhaal waaraan ek nou al 'n geruime tyd skryf. Met geruime tyd bedoel ek 'n jaar of twee. Om eerlik te wees, die verhaal vorder nie juis nie. Daar is tans sowat ses bladsye en 'n handjie vol tonele in my kop wat nog moet lewe kry. Ongelukkig is daar nog geen duidelike plan / plot nie. Net flitse in my kop en ek weet nie regtig hoe en waar hulle in pas nie. 'n Verdere probleem is dat ek seker 'n dekade laas aan fantasie gewerk het. Verder weet ek ook nog nie wie my teiken mark is nie. Volwasse fantasielesers? Is daar ooit so iets in Afrikaans? Tiener fantasielesers? Moet ek die verhaal dalk eerder in Engels aanpak? Die storie is moontlik 'n "lost case." Laat weet maar indien jy dink dat dit die moeite werd is om daarmee aan te gaan.
Die grys oggend stoom. Daar is nie ’n wind nie, nogtans zoem ’n dreuning in die lug asof ’n storm êrens anderkant die horison aan die kom is. Oor ’n grasvlakte, wat soos ’n geelpels teen die oggendkilte gepof staan, kom ’n perd en ruiter volspoed gejaag. Die perd is natgesweet en skuim in die flanke, sy neusgate groot. Die ruiter lê laag teen die rooibruin skof. Oor die ruiter se skouers is ’n beervel stuif getrek teen die koue.
Die ruiter kyk terug in die rigting van die dreuning. Agter die kim het intussen ’n grys wolkie opgekom. Net onder die wolkie begin die oggendson boggel. Die ruiter por die perd nog vinniger aan. Die grysvlek op die horison raak groter en lê soos ‘n serp om die son. Met elke omkyk is daar meer daarvan.
“Ja! jaa!” gil die ruiter en hits met die teuls.
Uiteindelik is die gezoem nie meer net ’n onherkenbare maling van klanke nie. Sekere geluide kan geïdentifiseer word. Daar is die druis van baie vlerke soos met ’n groot swerm voëls – ’n gedruis soos ’n reuse waterval. Dan is daar ’n kakafoniese koor van skril fluite gemeng met die lae vibrasies van diep gromme. Die ruiter herken ’n tipe patroon in die klanke. Van die fluite roep; ander fluite antwoord. Daar is geen twyfel nie – die gromme kommunikeer.
Wanneer die ruiter weer oor sy skouer loer is die swerm drake herkenbaar. Die wesens lyk nog klein weens die afstand, maar hy kan hulle vorm duidelik uitmaak – afgeëts soos motte voor ’n lantern: die wye vlerke wat skielik op lig en dan met harde slae die akkedislywe vorentoe beur; die lang gansnekke; die sterte lyk na vlieënde slange.
Skielik gly ’n dowwe skaduwee bo-oor die ruiter. Met wydgespande vlerke gly ’n draak voor hom verby, honderde meters vooruit. Die reptiel klap twee, drie-keer vir hoogte, tilt sy gewig en tol moeiteloos om die punt van ‘n vlerk sodat hy die ruiter nou van vooraf aanstorm.
Die draak duik vorentoe, span meteens sy vlerke terug en vang volumes lug daarin. Die gevleulde reptiel kom oombliklik vertikaal orent. Die nek teur terug soos dit longe vol lug suig. Dan, asof dit hoes, spoeg die draak ’n straal vuur.
Die perd koes na links, die voorwaarste momentum is te veel en dit tuimel grond toe. Daar is ’n harwar van vaal lug, gras, vaal lug, gras, vaal lug, gras en uiteindelik lê die ruiter ongemaklik op sy maag – die beervel eenkant. Vir eers wil hy net lê en gewoond raak aan die skietpyne deur sy lyf, maar die aardige geneul van sy perd trek sy aandag. Hy dwing homself orent. Agter hom is die grasveld aan die brand. Rook dans in slierte hemeltoe. Op ’n afstand, skuins langs hom, het die draak geland. Met een klou trap dit die perd sonder moeite teen die grond vas. Die reuse bek sak soos ’n aasvoël op die prooi neer. Die draak skeur die agterste kwart van die perd moeiteloos los, gooi die stuk vleis effens die lug op, vang dit met ’n hap en sluk dit weg.
Die ruiter besef dat die draak se aandag slegs vir ’n kort rukkie besig sal bly met die perd en die res van die swerm drake is reeds oorverdowend naby. Daar is nie tyd om sentimenteel te raak oor die vos wat sy vriend was sedert die begin van sy opgelêde taak nie.
Hy kom vinnig op sy voete. Sy donkerbruin toga is nat van die dou op die gras en klad teen sy lyf. Die toga na-aap die man se geoefende lyf. Sy bou is gespierd maar lenig.
Uit die leersakkie wat aan sy gordel hang neem hy ’n gladde klippie en hou dit voor hom uit in ’n oopgestrekte palm. Hy skree ’n woord wat verdwyn in die galm van die swerm wat al aansienlik nader is. Die steun blaak geel; aanvanklik flou maar met elke herhaling van die inkantasie gloei dit helderder.
Die flitsende lig trek die vretende draak se aandag. Soos ’n kat sit dit terug op sy hurke, spring meteens en land met reuse talone op die plek waar die Magiër ’n oomblik terug gestaan het. Die Magiër het verdwyn; slegs ’n die beervel en ’n bietjie oorskot van ’n perd getuig dat daar onlangs iets anders as die vlieënde reptiele was.
Die swerm drake is intussen oorhoofs en lyk na ’n wolkbank gigantiese vlermuise.
Die Magiër verskyn elders. Hy val op sy knieë en huig na sy asem asof sy wind uitgeslaan is. Sy geroggel eggo deur die groot vertrek. Uit rye klein venstertjies hoog teen die dak spits stawe oggendlig en brand ’n traliewerk van kolle teen die teenoorgestelde muur. Dis ’n troonkamer.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
More on the Cheonan Incident
In a previous post I shared some thoughts on the Cheonan incident. A friend (Luan Van Le, the director of the Tong-Il documentary) forwarded me the link to this thought provoking article at AlterNet, written by the former editor of the Japan Times, Yoichi Shimatsu. Although the investigation into the sinking of the ship was done by a committee of five countries, the full report -- as far as I know -- has not been made available to the public. Shimatsu also raises some important questions like the confirmed presence of a US naval ship close by at the time of the incident, but which seems to be a neglected detail in the formal investigation.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Gekneusde appelkose
Haar hare ruik na appelkose. Soet, vars appelkose. Ek lê met my gesig in haar hare; ek omhels haar van agter. Haar lieflike heupe kruin in my buik asof ek ’n moeder en sy my ongebore kind is en so wil ek verewig lê. Haar asemhaling is rustig nes ’n laaggety. Slaap sy altyd so rustig? Dis oggend maar ek durf nie roer nie. Netnou word sy wakker, staan sy op, begin die dag, die res van die lewe, en het hierdie oomblik aanbeweeg. Aanbeweeg soos gisteraand toe ek haar gekneusde appelkose met al vyf sintuie geproe het.
God is Good--What more is there to say?
I work for a “Christian” university. Korea actually has quite a number of universities affiliated with specific religions – very much like the universities of old, before most of them became secular. Part of my job requirement is to facilitate a cell-group meeting once a week with some freshman students. This morning I did an activity in which we had to describe God’s character. The adjectives the students used were: “pure,” “thoughtful,” “caring,” “beautiful,” and so on.
What am I supposed to teach these kids? With such a view of God they already know everything they need to know about God. They clearly do not seem corrupted by all the false views of God presented by mainstream Christianity—that God is a spoilsport killjoy grandfather in the sky. They have a view of God as benevolent; that God is good. What more is there to say?
What am I supposed to teach these kids? With such a view of God they already know everything they need to know about God. They clearly do not seem corrupted by all the false views of God presented by mainstream Christianity—that God is a spoilsport killjoy grandfather in the sky. They have a view of God as benevolent; that God is good. What more is there to say?
Friday, 4 June 2010
On Discrimination and Working (or Not Working) in South Africa and Abroad
South Africa's eTV-channel, recently had a thought provoking segment on the program 3rd Degree regarding young South African adults and their disillusionment with the "Rainbow Nation." You can watch part of it in the YouTube-video below -- it is only around five minutes.
The frustrations are real. I am in part living abroad because of this issue. I'm not completely convinced that I would not have been able to find a job in South Africa, but it would probably not have been what I wanted to do.
Just before I accepted this job offer in Korea I was looking at vacancies in South Africa at tertiary institutions. This is what I want to do (at least for the next couple of years) -- I want to be a tertiary level educator; I want to work at a university. However, during my search for jobs at South African universities and colleges one variable came up on numerous times; practically all jobs were so called “portfolio positions.” In other words, each department has to fill their faculty positions with a colour spectrum, favouring black people first, then coloured and Asian people, and lastly white people, and in the bracketing of white people, women get privileged over men. As a young white man that clearly puts me at a disadvantage.
I realised that the only way to ensure my own “marketability” is to increase my work experience as a university lecturer and to increase my education level; i.e. get my Ph.D. I could either stay in South Africa and continue to do the part time lecturing work that I was doing, hardly getting by from month to month, or I could go abroad and gain teaching experience while making a descent living. The rest is history. I’m yet to get my Ph.D, though. While I’m definitely gaining a tremendous amount of work experience, I’m also quite busy and I’m therefore unfortunately not progressing much on my goal towards attaining a Ph.D.
As I mentioned earlier, I did not leave South Africa because I could not get a job. I’m sure if I tried hard enough I could have found a job in some other field. Apart from my degrees in Language & Literature and Creative Writing, I also have a double major in Business Communication and Graphic Design. I’m sure I could have gotten a job as a graphic designer or marketer or I could have attempted to start up something of my own, but that is not what I want to do (now). Unfortunately, in South Africa beggars cannot be choosers. At this time in my life I do not wish to be a full time graphic designer (I still do a little of it on the sideline). I see myself as a university lecturer and that is what I am doing and enjoying at present. My working and living conditions are quite pleasant. While the salary is not that much better that what I would have received were I able to find a junior lecturer or full time lecturer position in South Africa, there are many benefits that I currently enjoy that make it actually more profitable.
Will I return to South Africa? Most probably. I did not immigrate. Nor did I flee for fear of violence, although that is a concern. Korea is just one of many steps in the ladder which is my life. But I have to emphasize with the two young South Africans on 3rd Degree. Both of them have master’s degrees like myself, but find themselves jobless. If my future in South Africa is a jobless one, I would be a fool to return with no prospective in mind.
The frustrations are real. I am in part living abroad because of this issue. I'm not completely convinced that I would not have been able to find a job in South Africa, but it would probably not have been what I wanted to do.
Just before I accepted this job offer in Korea I was looking at vacancies in South Africa at tertiary institutions. This is what I want to do (at least for the next couple of years) -- I want to be a tertiary level educator; I want to work at a university. However, during my search for jobs at South African universities and colleges one variable came up on numerous times; practically all jobs were so called “portfolio positions.” In other words, each department has to fill their faculty positions with a colour spectrum, favouring black people first, then coloured and Asian people, and lastly white people, and in the bracketing of white people, women get privileged over men. As a young white man that clearly puts me at a disadvantage.
I realised that the only way to ensure my own “marketability” is to increase my work experience as a university lecturer and to increase my education level; i.e. get my Ph.D. I could either stay in South Africa and continue to do the part time lecturing work that I was doing, hardly getting by from month to month, or I could go abroad and gain teaching experience while making a descent living. The rest is history. I’m yet to get my Ph.D, though. While I’m definitely gaining a tremendous amount of work experience, I’m also quite busy and I’m therefore unfortunately not progressing much on my goal towards attaining a Ph.D.
As I mentioned earlier, I did not leave South Africa because I could not get a job. I’m sure if I tried hard enough I could have found a job in some other field. Apart from my degrees in Language & Literature and Creative Writing, I also have a double major in Business Communication and Graphic Design. I’m sure I could have gotten a job as a graphic designer or marketer or I could have attempted to start up something of my own, but that is not what I want to do (now). Unfortunately, in South Africa beggars cannot be choosers. At this time in my life I do not wish to be a full time graphic designer (I still do a little of it on the sideline). I see myself as a university lecturer and that is what I am doing and enjoying at present. My working and living conditions are quite pleasant. While the salary is not that much better that what I would have received were I able to find a junior lecturer or full time lecturer position in South Africa, there are many benefits that I currently enjoy that make it actually more profitable.
Will I return to South Africa? Most probably. I did not immigrate. Nor did I flee for fear of violence, although that is a concern. Korea is just one of many steps in the ladder which is my life. But I have to emphasize with the two young South Africans on 3rd Degree. Both of them have master’s degrees like myself, but find themselves jobless. If my future in South Africa is a jobless one, I would be a fool to return with no prospective in mind.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
New Mayor of Seoul (Correction) & Some Thoughts on the Election and Korea
Image Source: Chosun Ilbo
Turns out that Han Myeong Sook did not win the Seoul mayoral election as I was told late last night and wrote in an earlier post. As the final count came in, the defending mayor Oh Se-hoon held on to his job by a mere 0.6 points.
Although the Grand National Party was able to keep its seat of Seoul, it did not go so well for the party elsewhere. The New York Times reports that: "the president’s party won only 6 of 16 crucial races to elect mayors and governors in big cities and provinces in the voting on Wednesday. Its main rival, the opposition Democratic Party, won seven races. The remaining three races were won by independents and a candidate from a small opposition party."
It would seem that the South Korean people are not in agreement with the current president's hard handed stance towards North Korea, feeling that it only escalates tension between the two Koreas. Mike Chinoy explains that the sinking of the Cheonan (if it was indeed caused by North Korea) is in part because of the current South Korean president, Lee:
The most plausible explanation of the sinking of the naval ship Cheonan fits this pattern. The incident occurred after the conservative Lee, upon taking office in 2008, repudiated an accord signed by his liberal predecessor Roh Moo-hyun in October 2007 aimed at creating a “joint fishing zone” and establishing military confidence-building measures in the disputed waters off the western coast of Korea. A series of tense naval encounters eventually led to a clash last November in which the South Korean navy set a North Korean ship on fire and killed at least one of its sailors.The solution, according to Chinoy, is for America and South Korea to sit down to talks with the North Korean dictator. Instead of more sanctions -- which have proved pretty useless at softening the North -- dialogue is the solution:
Soon after, Kim visited a naval base and ordered the navy to “raise heroes for do-or-die squads at sea.” The attack in March on the Cheonan, in all likelihood, was North Korea settling the score.
[T]here is little evidence to suggest that sanctions and coercion work with the North Koreans. A careful look at patterns of North Korean behavior over the past two decades shows that Pyongyang’s response when pushed is almost always to push back harder.I tend to agree with Chinoy that talks, rather than stubbornness, is a better tactic. Either a soft approach -- the infamous "Sunshine Policy" -- or full out war. Take your pick. But not this adolescent chest pushing that's going on.
But then again, what do I know about politics?
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
New Mayor of Seoul: Han Myeong Sook (Incorrect)
This post contains incorrect information. Read the update here.

My friend is so excited about the win that he told me he is on his way out to shout for joy in the streets.
For what it's worth, I prefer the Democratic Party's logo over the logo of the Grand National Party. The latter looks a bit like a water theme park sticker.
Needless to say, today was election day in Korea, which meant that I did not have to go to work. I got up late this morning, did some other work and in the afternoon went to my office to do some grading and preparation for classes tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday. Later, I went to see The Prince of Persia. In all, not a bad day.
The Avett Brothers
One of my favourite folk rock bands is The Avett Brothers. I only have there Emotionalism album, but hope to get my hands on some of their other albums. Below are two YouTube-videos of songs from Emotionalism.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Miyavi Plays for UNIQLO Advert
Miyavi did the music for a UNIQLO advert. As a brand, I quite like UNIQLO. I bought this (synthetic) leather jacket from a UNIQLO shop at COEX last year. It is one of my favourite pieces of clothing.
Thoughts on the Cheonan Incident
Not everyone is convinced that the sinking of the Cheonan naval ship some weeks back is the result of North Korea. Some people believe that the ship got grounded during a low tide and that another ship rammed into it; that the sinking was not due to a torpedo attack. Apparently parts of a torpedo were found at the site with North Korean fonts stamped onto it. That area of the sea is full of old debris, which are remnants of the Korean War in the 50s, so it could just have been a random part that lay, like many other debris scattered all over the sea bottom. Some even suggest that it was an American ship that rammed into the Cheonan during a joint military exercise between the US and ROK navies that went wrong and that the powers that be are now scapegoating North Korea in order to avoid a local lashings out against American soldiers in Korea.
Brian in Jeollanam-Do provides some information from Yonhap about Korean Twitter users and bloggers that disbelieve the report on the Cheonan incident. It seems that it is especially the youth that mistrust their current government.
Let’s say that there is some foul play by the current conservative government, what could be the possible effect? For one, it is voting time at present. Even though it is not for governmental seats, but only for local municipality seats, getting in conservative members will be valuable in the long run. During times when an outside enemy is a possibility, people tend to vote for the conservative parties. This is how George W Bush got re-elected. Well that’s one theory of what’s happening at present. Another theory is that it is somehow related to the American forces in Korea. There was suppose to be a complete handover of power from the US to ROK militaries in 2012. In other words, the US military is supposed to pull out of Korea next year. Well, during her visit in South Korea recently, Hillary Clinton was all fire and brimstone, and hyping up what is a relatively regular occurrence between North and South Korea and making it into something just short of WWIII. I call this a relatively regular occurrence because such naval skirmishes happen with a fair amount of regularity. There was the exchange of fire between two ships a couple of months back and we should not forget that South Korea sunk a North Korean ship some time back, which received hardly any international attention. But now, America is making this latest incident a “personal” incident – something which doesn’t affect them that much at all. Why? Because America does not want to pull out of Korea. They want their bases on the peninsula and will use any excuse to stay here. The peninsula gives them a tactical advantage if ever a war should break out in the Far East.
As far as I know, the full 100+ page report regarding the Cheonan incident has still not been made available – only selected parts of it have been revealed. I don’t know what the truth is and while I don’t trust North Korea one bit, neither would I ignore the possibility of untruths by any other government.
For an interesting view on the incident by Democracy Now watch the clip below, which include an interview with prof Bruce Cumings, a historian on the two Koreas:
But all of this will soon be forgotten. This week all the media is focused on the local elections. The following weeks everybody will be focused on the Soccer World Cup. And after that Cheonan will be long forgotten and replaced with some story about a K-Pop pretty-boy that doesn't want to be called "pretty."
Brian in Jeollanam-Do provides some information from Yonhap about Korean Twitter users and bloggers that disbelieve the report on the Cheonan incident. It seems that it is especially the youth that mistrust their current government.
Let’s say that there is some foul play by the current conservative government, what could be the possible effect? For one, it is voting time at present. Even though it is not for governmental seats, but only for local municipality seats, getting in conservative members will be valuable in the long run. During times when an outside enemy is a possibility, people tend to vote for the conservative parties. This is how George W Bush got re-elected. Well that’s one theory of what’s happening at present. Another theory is that it is somehow related to the American forces in Korea. There was suppose to be a complete handover of power from the US to ROK militaries in 2012. In other words, the US military is supposed to pull out of Korea next year. Well, during her visit in South Korea recently, Hillary Clinton was all fire and brimstone, and hyping up what is a relatively regular occurrence between North and South Korea and making it into something just short of WWIII. I call this a relatively regular occurrence because such naval skirmishes happen with a fair amount of regularity. There was the exchange of fire between two ships a couple of months back and we should not forget that South Korea sunk a North Korean ship some time back, which received hardly any international attention. But now, America is making this latest incident a “personal” incident – something which doesn’t affect them that much at all. Why? Because America does not want to pull out of Korea. They want their bases on the peninsula and will use any excuse to stay here. The peninsula gives them a tactical advantage if ever a war should break out in the Far East.
As far as I know, the full 100+ page report regarding the Cheonan incident has still not been made available – only selected parts of it have been revealed. I don’t know what the truth is and while I don’t trust North Korea one bit, neither would I ignore the possibility of untruths by any other government.
For an interesting view on the incident by Democracy Now watch the clip below, which include an interview with prof Bruce Cumings, a historian on the two Koreas:
But all of this will soon be forgotten. This week all the media is focused on the local elections. The following weeks everybody will be focused on the Soccer World Cup. And after that Cheonan will be long forgotten and replaced with some story about a K-Pop pretty-boy that doesn't want to be called "pretty."
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