I like cats.
A friend, after seeing this video here, linked to it on her Facebook page with the following comment: "You can learn so much from cats. Ignore it or do something about it. Don't waste emotional energy."
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Friday, 29 October 2010
Zip-line . . . ek bedoel foefieslide
Verlede Sondag het ek gaan zip-line, of soos ons in Suid-Afrika daarna verwys, foefie-slide. Ek het saam met 'n groep mense gegaan na 'n zip-line baan tussen die berge. Ons het 'n reeks van nege bane elk so tussen 80 en 300 meter geniet. Ek het dit alles op video opgeneem maar sedert ek my rekenaar geformateer het, het ek nie videoredigeringsprogramme om enige iets met al die video te maak nie.
Dit was 'n lekker gedoente, maar die hele affêre was bietjie uitputtend omdat dit so ver uit Seoul uit is. Ek moes omtrent 'n uur en half per bus en moltrein ry tot by die punt waar ons as 'n groep ontmoet het en vandaar 'n gehuurde bus na die zip-line plek geneem het, sowat drie ure verder. Oppad terug was die verkeer baie sleg -- ek het uiteindelik eers middernag by die huisgekom. Ek het wel op die bus kans gehad om my mees onlangste moltreinboek, Hemmingway se Farewell to Arms, klaar te lees.
Dit was 'n lekker gedoente, maar die hele affêre was bietjie uitputtend omdat dit so ver uit Seoul uit is. Ek moes omtrent 'n uur en half per bus en moltrein ry tot by die punt waar ons as 'n groep ontmoet het en vandaar 'n gehuurde bus na die zip-line plek geneem het, sowat drie ure verder. Oppad terug was die verkeer baie sleg -- ek het uiteindelik eers middernag by die huisgekom. Ek het wel op die bus kans gehad om my mees onlangste moltreinboek, Hemmingway se Farewell to Arms, klaar te lees.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Dan Platansky -- One of My Favourite South African Musicians
Dan Platansky is not the most famous South African musician, but he has a strong cult following amongst old school rock and blues connoisseurs. He is an excellent guitarist and really feels the music. He's been hailed the best blues guitarist in South Africa. I've seen him live a couple of times and have never been disappointed in his performances -- except when he stops playing.
Get more of Dan on his website, MySpace and Facebook.
Get more of Dan on his website, MySpace and Facebook.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
My Brother's List of Links About South African News
Every so often my brother sends me a list of links with news related to South Africa. I found the most recent list quite interesting.
The first was a rant by a News24 reader about more tolls roads and less press freedom. A columnist in News24's Finance section wrote about Black Economic Empowerment and how it is changing; changing, we hope, for the better. In the past, BEE had been a nepotistic enrichment of a select group of black people, that benefit the average previously disadvantaged South African very little. A new system is dearly required. Brian Dames, the CEO of Eskom, South Africa's chief electricity supplier announced that there is bound to be more blackouts and electricity shortages next year. The good news is that South Africa unveiled plans to build the world's largest solar power plant, which may start contributing to the power grid by then end of 2012. Finally, MeerKAT, the radio telescope consisting of 64 Gregorian offset antennae is currently being build in the Karoo, and will be one of the world's most powerful radio telescopes. Scientists from everywhere are already standing in line to book research time on it, even though completion is most likely only going to be in about five years.
Ek hunker na iets in Afrikaans
Ek is uitgehonger na Afrikaanse leesstof. Ek soek 'n boek wat ek kan lees op die moltrein. Maar hier in Korea is daar slegs drie Afrikaanse boeke op my boekrak. Die Mugu van Etienne Le Roux, Antjie Krog se 'n Ander Tongval en 'n digbundel, "om te lewe is onnatuurlik" van Gert Vlok Nel. O ja, en die Ou Vertaling van die Afrikaanse Bybel, alhoewel ek my Engelse Bybel meer gebruik. My karige versamelingtjie Afrikaanse boeke hier in Korea het ek elk reeds gelees (die Bybel ook).
Sal ek maar weer 'n Ander Tongval lees? Ek het dit die vorige keer baie geniet en dit is allermins kwaliteit Afrikaans.
As enige iemand my 'n groot guns wil doen, stuur asseblief vir my 'n goeie Afrikaanse boek!
En so van die Afrikaanse os tot op die Afrikaanse wa, hier is die Karen Zoid se nuwe single, "Bly By My":
Die album kom aan die begin van November uit, volgens die blog Singing South African-ness.
Sal ek maar weer 'n Ander Tongval lees? Ek het dit die vorige keer baie geniet en dit is allermins kwaliteit Afrikaans.
As enige iemand my 'n groot guns wil doen, stuur asseblief vir my 'n goeie Afrikaanse boek!
En so van die Afrikaanse os tot op die Afrikaanse wa, hier is die Karen Zoid se nuwe single, "Bly By My":
Die album kom aan die begin van November uit, volgens die blog Singing South African-ness.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Gisteraand: 'n Verjaarsdagpartyjie en 'n singkamer
Een van my oefenmaats by die yusul-klub (die grondwerkklas by The Way Martial Arts Academy of Seoul) het Donderdagverjaar en besluit om gisteraand sy partytjie te hê en gevolglik was byna die hele The Way se volwassenes daar. Omdat dit Sabbat was en omdat ek ook eers per telefoon met 'n ander vriend van Suid-Afrika gekuier het, het ek eers bietjie later daar aan gekom -- teen daardie tyd het die helfde van die groep al heelwat drankies agter die blad gehad. Ek het 'n groot bak kwaliteit roomys gebring en self heerlik daaraan gesmul, saam met koek en pizza en bitterlemoensap.
Na die joligheid by sy huis is ons hele groep na 'n noraebang. Direk vertaal, 'n "singkamer" of beter bekend in die Weste as 'n Karaoke. Ek het "Wonderwall" van Oasis, "Under the Sea" van Little Mermaid en "Bohemian Rhapsody" van Queen gesing. Noraebangs is nogals groot in Korea en selfs die uitlanders geniet dit baie. As jy vir my kom kuier kan ons gaan na 'n noraebang toe.
Ek het probeer om nie te laat uit te bly nie en was omtrent middernag weer by die huis. Die rede was 'n ander avontuur waarvoor ek vroeg vanoggend moes opstaan -- ek het gaan foefieslide!
Na die joligheid by sy huis is ons hele groep na 'n noraebang. Direk vertaal, 'n "singkamer" of beter bekend in die Weste as 'n Karaoke. Ek het "Wonderwall" van Oasis, "Under the Sea" van Little Mermaid en "Bohemian Rhapsody" van Queen gesing. Noraebangs is nogals groot in Korea en selfs die uitlanders geniet dit baie. As jy vir my kom kuier kan ons gaan na 'n noraebang toe.
Ek het probeer om nie te laat uit te bly nie en was omtrent middernag weer by die huis. Die rede was 'n ander avontuur waarvoor ek vroeg vanoggend moes opstaan -- ek het gaan foefieslide!
Friday, 22 October 2010
Giraffe Sex
"Giraffe Love" T-Shirt designed by Hank Green.
I've mentioned before that my post on Kakashi Hatake gets the most views on this blog and can only speculate that my recent post on the same manga character will probably be popular too. It is not that these post are anything special in and of themselves -- it is merely that the character Kakashi is so beloved and has such a vast fan base that anything related to Kakashi gets viewed a lot.
I thought long ago that a post with the keywords "Korea" and "Sex" would get much traffic, but this post is not nearly as popular as the Kakashi post. Another popular post, and one actually related to Korea and somewhat to sex -- or at least genitals -- is the one I wrote about the genetic differences between Caucasians and Asians (Koreans). Since I wrote it in July it has had over 2000 visitors to date, with about 20 visits a day.
The giraffes in the above photo are South African -- read more. By the way, I'm South African too, but I'm not a giraffe -- just so you know that this is not a self-portrait. According to John Green from the Vlog Brothers (Nerd Fighers) their three most viewed YouTube videos are all somehow related to giraffe sex.
Seeing what makes people end up on this extremely eclectic blog of mine intrigues me. I think there is a part of my graphic design and marketing (some of the stuff I studied) past-life that is still interested in how online marketing functions and how people end up on different websites.
Sex sells, we know that, but it is interesting that the blog post on Korea sex is less viewed than a fairly irrelevant personal account of a fictional animation character like Kakashi. My favourite giraffe video does not involve sex. Instead, it involves grief, which is a little like sex. In the video below are the five stages of grief (the word "grief" looks a little like the word "giraffe", doesn't it?) as acted out by a giraffe.
Now if you want to drive someone crazy, you could play them this giraffe song. I'm sure the average sane person will go nutters after listening to it repeated 10 times. I sure would. How many times can you listen to this song without going bonkers?
Now why did I write a post on giraffe sex again?
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Parkour in Olympic Park
This past Sunday I hosted an introductory workshop on Parkour. We met at Olympic Park (South East Seoul) where I showed the attendees most of the basics. We did some precision jumps, a variety of vaults like the monkey vault, lazy vault, turning vault and the like, and also did some wall running. We finished the day with some PK-rolls on some of the grassy slopes in the park. In all, I've been in Korea for nearly four years, but this was the first time to do a proper Parkour session -- I didn't reallise how I've missed it until actually doing it again. How was pleasantly surprised that I could still do the basics with fair ease. I kept myself from doing any crazy stuff. I guess it helped that I'm still quite bruised from a heavy Taekkyeon sparring session I had the previous week. Parkour is such a great workout -- my leg muscles felt sore, in a good way, the days after the jam. The interesting thing about Parkour is that you do not reallise how much you are exercising because it is such a fun playful activity.
Many people (about 16) showed interest to attend the introductory workshop, although only six showed up. I'm guessing that since it was on a Sunday morning most people, when faced between the decision of sleeping in and exercising, chose to stay in bed. If I didn't host the event I would probably have slept in too. Nevertheless, since there was such a big interest I will try and host another workshop -- this time in the afternoon -- before it gets too cold. Unfortunately my Autumn weekends are running out. This coming Sunday I'm going ziplining, sliding with ropes through a forest canopy; the following weekend is Halloween; and the weekend thereafter I'm giving a bride away at a wedding. I also hope to go scuba diving one last time before winter hits us. The last place I'd like to be is in cold water during the winter; I get cold too easily.
Many people (about 16) showed interest to attend the introductory workshop, although only six showed up. I'm guessing that since it was on a Sunday morning most people, when faced between the decision of sleeping in and exercising, chose to stay in bed. If I didn't host the event I would probably have slept in too. Nevertheless, since there was such a big interest I will try and host another workshop -- this time in the afternoon -- before it gets too cold. Unfortunately my Autumn weekends are running out. This coming Sunday I'm going ziplining, sliding with ropes through a forest canopy; the following weekend is Halloween; and the weekend thereafter I'm giving a bride away at a wedding. I also hope to go scuba diving one last time before winter hits us. The last place I'd like to be is in cold water during the winter; I get cold too easily.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Monday, 18 October 2010
Free Media Players and Open Source Programs
Since formatting my computer, I've been slowly reinstalling programs as I need them. Unfortunately I do not have the original CDs for some programs with me here in Korea, therefore I'm looking into some open source and freeware alternatives.
I've already mentioned that I use Miro as my podcast and videopod aggregator.
For my audio player I've installed Foobar2000 again. This little program has been my music player of choice now for a couple of years. I enjoy its simplicity and because it uses so little RAM compared to most other media players. Foobar2000 can play practically all known audio formats with ease. True, it is not as fancy looking as most media players, but it is for this exact reason that I like it. It is simple, sufficient, customizable and if I were thinking of making the interface prettier, different skins can be downloaded for it.
My all purpose video player is Gom Player. This is probably the best free video player available. When it requires codecs it will take you to a web page from which you can download the appropriate codecs. One of the best features, I think, of Gom Player is that it can play incomplete files. If you have a video file that is still in the process of being downloaded, Gom Player can actually play those clusters that are already downloaded. Or, if you have a broken video file, Gom Player can play those segments of the file that is not corrupt. It also has a variety of other features like brightness and contrast control, subtitle viewer, screen capture, a playlist that automatically lists similar files and everything else one would expect of a complete video player. I must admit, however, that there have been isolated moments where Gom Player did not play to my utmost satisfaction. In those occasions I fell back to VLC Player. Since formatting my computer I have not yet had any problems with Gom Player, so am yet to install VLC. I will do so only if the need arise.
As my Office Suite I've installed Open Office. This suite contains all the programs one would need for your daily "office" work like a word processor, spread sheet engine, database platform, a presentation designer and a drawing program. I use the word processor the most and find it quite comfortable and efficient. Unfortunately the computer in my office has Microsoft Word. Although Open Office can save documents as a Microsoft Word document and easily read .doc-files, the formatting, i.e. page layout, is different from program to program. This means that when I format a page at home and send the file to my office PC, it looks different. However, as far as normal word processing is concerned, I feel quite comfortable with Open Office. To think that such a great product is free, is a wonderful testimony of what unselfish people can do to better humanity. This program is empowering many people that cannot afford the prices of expensive programs.
The most difficult thing for me is graphic design programs. I studied certain programs during my training as a graphic designer and having to learn how to use new programs is just a nuisance. There are some excellent free open source graphic design programs available -- it is just that I'm frustrated at the slower speed at which I do things now which I did much faster on Photoshop and Corel Draw because I'm so familiar with these.
The first program I'm testing now, in place of Photoshop, is Gimp. It is a wonderful image manipulator with a fully adjustable interface. I'm certain that once I make time to go through the tutorials, I'll be equally adapt at it.
In place of Corel Draw I installed Inkscape, an effective vector graphics editor. Again, it will take me some time to acquaint myself with the tutorials before I'll be able to work with the same ease that I do on Corel Draw, but I'm sure it will be worth the effort in the long run.
I'm also looking into the online graphic manipulation programs discussed in the Rocketboom video below. They will be quite useful on occasions where I do not find myself at my own computer and quickly need to do some basic image editing.
Hopefully you will find some of teh programs on this list useful as well.
I've already mentioned that I use Miro as my podcast and videopod aggregator.
My all purpose video player is Gom Player. This is probably the best free video player available. When it requires codecs it will take you to a web page from which you can download the appropriate codecs. One of the best features, I think, of Gom Player is that it can play incomplete files. If you have a video file that is still in the process of being downloaded, Gom Player can actually play those clusters that are already downloaded. Or, if you have a broken video file, Gom Player can play those segments of the file that is not corrupt. It also has a variety of other features like brightness and contrast control, subtitle viewer, screen capture, a playlist that automatically lists similar files and everything else one would expect of a complete video player. I must admit, however, that there have been isolated moments where Gom Player did not play to my utmost satisfaction. In those occasions I fell back to VLC Player. Since formatting my computer I have not yet had any problems with Gom Player, so am yet to install VLC. I will do so only if the need arise.
As my Office Suite I've installed Open Office. This suite contains all the programs one would need for your daily "office" work like a word processor, spread sheet engine, database platform, a presentation designer and a drawing program. I use the word processor the most and find it quite comfortable and efficient. Unfortunately the computer in my office has Microsoft Word. Although Open Office can save documents as a Microsoft Word document and easily read .doc-files, the formatting, i.e. page layout, is different from program to program. This means that when I format a page at home and send the file to my office PC, it looks different. However, as far as normal word processing is concerned, I feel quite comfortable with Open Office. To think that such a great product is free, is a wonderful testimony of what unselfish people can do to better humanity. This program is empowering many people that cannot afford the prices of expensive programs.
The most difficult thing for me is graphic design programs. I studied certain programs during my training as a graphic designer and having to learn how to use new programs is just a nuisance. There are some excellent free open source graphic design programs available -- it is just that I'm frustrated at the slower speed at which I do things now which I did much faster on Photoshop and Corel Draw because I'm so familiar with these.
The first program I'm testing now, in place of Photoshop, is Gimp. It is a wonderful image manipulator with a fully adjustable interface. I'm certain that once I make time to go through the tutorials, I'll be equally adapt at it.
In place of Corel Draw I installed Inkscape, an effective vector graphics editor. Again, it will take me some time to acquaint myself with the tutorials before I'll be able to work with the same ease that I do on Corel Draw, but I'm sure it will be worth the effort in the long run.
I'm also looking into the online graphic manipulation programs discussed in the Rocketboom video below. They will be quite useful on occasions where I do not find myself at my own computer and quickly need to do some basic image editing.
Hopefully you will find some of teh programs on this list useful as well.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Kakashi Hatake Lives
Image by Namh
I posted in May how intensely I felt the death of Kakashi Hatake, a fictional character that is part of the Naruto series. I could not believe that Kakashi died. I literally felt all the emotions one would feel when you suddenly hear of the death of a real person you know.
I'm not the only one. Of all the posts on my blog the one on Kakashi's death is the most popular. By itself it has had over 7000 views! It usually gets 60-some views per day. The strange thing is that it is not a particularly great post. It's merely my personal musings over the shock I felt when this character died. I guess other people share my love for the Naruto characters, hence the many views of this page.
I'm happy to announce that Kakashi came back to life. Again, I hope I'm not spoiling it to anybody. I'm sure the avid Naruto fans all know this already as the anime episode "Hero of the Hidden Leaf" in which it happened aired on August 26 already. (I don't watch the episodes weekly. They are usually so intense that I cannot handle waiting for the next episode, so instead I skip a number of weeks so that I can watch a lot of episodes in a row.) Yes, our dear Kakashi lives and what is more, in this episode Naruto's years of struggling to get acknowledgement from the village is finally realised. Remember those first episodes where the other villages ignored him, shunned him, ostracised him? Naruto has come such a long way since then and the villages, like so many of his enemies, and all us readers of the manga and viewers of the anime have fallen in love with his cheerful character and indomitable spirit.
I cannot count the many times I've cried watching this anime. Often not tears of sadness, but tears of joy and feeling a tremendous sense of pride and caring for this little mischievous outcast. The author of this manga series is Masashi Kishimoto, a truly masterful storyteller. Time and time again he changes the most flat characters into such rounded people you cannot help but feel a strong sense of empathy for them. Surprisingly, it is Naruto, the main character, which is probably one of the most flat characters. But it is this, his consistent, hard-headed, personal "way of the ninja" -- never to give up -- that is so enduring.
I'm just happy that Kakashi is back again. I guess this is a foretaste of how it must feel when the dead are resurrected.
Placebo -- Take Two Failed
I missed Placebo they first time the came to Korea and was sure not to miss them this time round. I even had my ticket bought for the show quite in advance and have been looking forward to it with much anticipation and excitement. Then I got a text message from the ticketing company. The Placebo concert has been cancelled. Brian Molko, the lead singer, is unwell and his been told by doctors to take a complete rest causing in the cancellation of the tail end of the Battle for the Sun Tour. Scheduled performances in Spain, Portugal, Korean and Japan are affected.
To say that I'm disappointed is an understatement.
To say that I'm disappointed is an understatement.
Friday, 15 October 2010
SA Nuus en Internetmedia-aflaaiprogramme
Weens my geografiese verwyderdheid en besige skedule is dit moeilik vir my om ophoogte te bly met wat in Suid-Afrika gebeur. Soms as ek kans het maak ek 'n draai by News24, maar dit is maar baie sporadies.
My oplossing -- iets wat ek baie jare terug begin het -- is om elke week na RSG se Sondagaand nuusprogram, Kommentaar, te luister. Kommentaar is 'n uitstekende weeklikse program waartydens 'n paneel van kenners, soos nuusredakteurs, politieke analiste en joernaliste, saam gesels oor die hoofnuusgebeure van die afgelope week. Deur na Kommentaar te luister kry ek in 'n halfuurspasie 'n opsomming van die belangrikste Suid-Afrikaanse (en soms ook buitelandse) nuus, sowel as ingeligte kommentaar deur mense wat hierdie nuusstories binne die groter konteks plaas.
Kommentaar saai uit om agt uur in die aand in Suid-Afrika, wanneer dit drie uur in die oggend in Korea is--'n baie ongeleë tyd vir my. Gelukkig het RSG podgooie (podcasts) sodat ek gerieflik die program kan aflaai vroeg in die week en daarna kan luister later in die week wanneer ek tyd het.
Die meeste mense gebruik iTunes as hulle podgooi-aflaaier. Ek het 'n snaakse fiemiesgeid wat my verhoed om iTunes te ondersteun; ek pes monopolieë--vernaam daardie wat die heeltyd advertensie vir jou flits--en weier dus om iTunes te gebruik. Toe ek nog Windows XP as platvorm gehad het, het ek die podgooi-aflaaier Juice gebruik. Juice is 'n baie gerieflike gratis programmetjie wat my podgooibehoeftes met gemak hanteer het. Ongelukkig is dit nog nie vir Windows 7 aangepas nie.
Ek het 'n ander media-aflaaier wat ek hoofsaaklik as my Internetvideo-aflaaier gebruik, naamlik Miro, voorheen bekend as Democracy Player. Miro is 'n wonderlike program wat ek al vir jare gebruik omdat dit aan jou verskeie video-kanale op die Internet bied waarvandaan jy goeie gehalte gratis televisiestyl programme kan aflaai. Die jongste weergawe van Miro laat ook nou oudio-podgooie toe, so ek gebruik dit nou sommer om Kommentaar mee af te laai. Ek gebruik Miro ook om baie van die preke waarna ek luister outomaties af te laai, sowel as nuusprogramme soos Democracy Now. Ek besit nie 'n televisie nie en het ook nie 'n behoefte aan een nie. Ek hou ook van Miro se volumeverhogingkapasiteit. Baie keer as 'n mens video op 'n rekenaar kyk is die klank onaangenaam sag. Miro het 'n ingeboude volumestroomversterke ("sound booster") wat hierdie probleem oorkom -- soveel so dat ek gewoonlik Miro se klank sagter moet stel. Dis nie my enigste videospelerprogram nie, maar dit werk uitstekend vir sekere video en podgooie.
My oplossing -- iets wat ek baie jare terug begin het -- is om elke week na RSG se Sondagaand nuusprogram, Kommentaar, te luister. Kommentaar is 'n uitstekende weeklikse program waartydens 'n paneel van kenners, soos nuusredakteurs, politieke analiste en joernaliste, saam gesels oor die hoofnuusgebeure van die afgelope week. Deur na Kommentaar te luister kry ek in 'n halfuurspasie 'n opsomming van die belangrikste Suid-Afrikaanse (en soms ook buitelandse) nuus, sowel as ingeligte kommentaar deur mense wat hierdie nuusstories binne die groter konteks plaas.
Kommentaar saai uit om agt uur in die aand in Suid-Afrika, wanneer dit drie uur in die oggend in Korea is--'n baie ongeleë tyd vir my. Gelukkig het RSG podgooie (podcasts) sodat ek gerieflik die program kan aflaai vroeg in die week en daarna kan luister later in die week wanneer ek tyd het.
Die meeste mense gebruik iTunes as hulle podgooi-aflaaier. Ek het 'n snaakse fiemiesgeid wat my verhoed om iTunes te ondersteun; ek pes monopolieë--vernaam daardie wat die heeltyd advertensie vir jou flits--en weier dus om iTunes te gebruik. Toe ek nog Windows XP as platvorm gehad het, het ek die podgooi-aflaaier Juice gebruik. Juice is 'n baie gerieflike gratis programmetjie wat my podgooibehoeftes met gemak hanteer het. Ongelukkig is dit nog nie vir Windows 7 aangepas nie.
Ek het 'n ander media-aflaaier wat ek hoofsaaklik as my Internetvideo-aflaaier gebruik, naamlik Miro, voorheen bekend as Democracy Player. Miro is 'n wonderlike program wat ek al vir jare gebruik omdat dit aan jou verskeie video-kanale op die Internet bied waarvandaan jy goeie gehalte gratis televisiestyl programme kan aflaai. Die jongste weergawe van Miro laat ook nou oudio-podgooie toe, so ek gebruik dit nou sommer om Kommentaar mee af te laai. Ek gebruik Miro ook om baie van die preke waarna ek luister outomaties af te laai, sowel as nuusprogramme soos Democracy Now. Ek besit nie 'n televisie nie en het ook nie 'n behoefte aan een nie. Ek hou ook van Miro se volumeverhogingkapasiteit. Baie keer as 'n mens video op 'n rekenaar kyk is die klank onaangenaam sag. Miro het 'n ingeboude volumestroomversterke ("sound booster") wat hierdie probleem oorkom -- soveel so dat ek gewoonlik Miro se klank sagter moet stel. Dis nie my enigste videospelerprogram nie, maar dit werk uitstekend vir sekere video en podgooie.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Self-Portrait: Grappling
Technically this is not a self-portrait since I didn't take the photo. It was taken during last Sunday's grappling tournament that I partook in and sent to me by an acquaintance, a fellow competitor named Justin.
Brazilian Jiujutsu,
martial arts,
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Dit is nou die tweede keer dat ek 'n bepaalde kreatiewe woordskets skryf van 'n ou paartjie wat ek op die moltrein gesien het wat net verdwyn. Ek het die eerste keer die stuk geskryf en vanaand toe ek dit wil oorlees kan ek dit nêrens vind nie. So toe dag ek laat ek dit gou oor skryf. Net toe ek klaar is en die laaste bietjie redigering wou aanbring toe druk ek verkeerde kombinasie warmsleutels en vee die ook perongeluk uit, sonder enige "undo"-opsie. Dis asof daardie twee vir wie ek voyeuristies op papier vasgelê het (ek het notas omtrent hulle in my notaboek geneem) wyer om enige ander plek te wil beland.
Is daar nog gremlins in my PC?
Is daar nog gremlins in my PC?
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Eddie Vedder's Beautiful Song on the Soundtrack of Eat, Pray, Love
This song by Eddie Vedder (lead singer of Pearl Jam) is just exquisite. I especially love how elegantly the accordion matches his voice. The song is on the soundtrack of Eat, Pray, Love -- an enchantingly uplifting movie with Julia Roberts in the lead.
Gremlins in my rekenaar
Gisteraand toe ek by die huis kom en my rekenaar aan skakel toe is daar weer "niks." Dis nadat ek oortuig was dat die probleem iets met 'n hardeskyf te make gehad het. Vandag het ek maar weer die tegnikus laat kom. Hy het nie juis gedoen wat ek nie kon gedoen het nie, naamlik om die verskillende komponente uit te haal die rekenaar te boot en sodoende te sien wat die probleem is. Ek kon dit self gedoen het, maar was te moeg en geirriteerd. Boonop sou ek nie geraai het dat die rakker die grafikakaard was nie. Gevolglik, honderd Rand en 'n blikkie koeldrank later, weet ek nou dat dit die grafikakaard is. (Dis natuurlik totdat die gremlins aan iets anders begin kou.)
En soos wat dit mos altyd gaan het hierdie grafikakaard se waarborg verlede maand verstrek. Ek is byna oortuig dat die vervaardigers 'n breekveer in hulle produkte bou wat vuur sodra die waarborg verby is. Sodoende hoef hulle nie die produk te vervang nie en jy moet 'n nuwe produk koop -- dis slegs hulle wat wen. Wel, hierdie keer gaan ek 'n ander fabrikaat se produk koop, thank-you-very-much. Intussen hardloop ek maar my skerm vanaf die moederbord se VGA-konneksie. Dis nie te sleg nie. Op my wye skerm kom ek nie juis die verskil agter tydens alledaagse take nie. Ek het nie onmiddelik enige grafiese werk om te doen nie, so ek sal kan uithou totdat die nuwe grafiese kaard wat ek 'n rukkie terug aanlyn bestel het oor 'n paar dae hier aankom.
Ek moet bieg dat die nuwe Windows 7 wat ek op my rekenaar gelaai het, laat voel of ek 'n hele nuwe rekenaar het. Dankie aan almal wat my aangemoedig het om na Win7 toe te skuif. Ek was so teleurgesteld met Windows Vista dat ek nie Windows 7 vertrou het nie. Dit wil vir my voorkom of Windows elke ander keer 'n geslaagde platform skep. Windows '95 was stabiel, maar toe kom daardie wankelrige Windows '98. XP was weer stabiel, maar toe kom die mislukte Vista. Nou sit ons weer met 'n stabiele Win7. So vermoedelik -- as volgens die huidige patroon -- gaan die volgende Windows platform weer gemors wees.
Aangesien die helfde van my programmatuur verlore is met die formatering van my hardeskyf is ek tans weer in die proses om sagteware te soek. Ek mik vir oopkode vryware (open source freeware) produkte. Het sopas Open Office gelaai en oorweeg Gimp as 'n alternatief of Photoshop.
Beeldmateriaal: Gremlins Online
En soos wat dit mos altyd gaan het hierdie grafikakaard se waarborg verlede maand verstrek. Ek is byna oortuig dat die vervaardigers 'n breekveer in hulle produkte bou wat vuur sodra die waarborg verby is. Sodoende hoef hulle nie die produk te vervang nie en jy moet 'n nuwe produk koop -- dis slegs hulle wat wen. Wel, hierdie keer gaan ek 'n ander fabrikaat se produk koop, thank-you-very-much. Intussen hardloop ek maar my skerm vanaf die moederbord se VGA-konneksie. Dis nie te sleg nie. Op my wye skerm kom ek nie juis die verskil agter tydens alledaagse take nie. Ek het nie onmiddelik enige grafiese werk om te doen nie, so ek sal kan uithou totdat die nuwe grafiese kaard wat ek 'n rukkie terug aanlyn bestel het oor 'n paar dae hier aankom.
Ek moet bieg dat die nuwe Windows 7 wat ek op my rekenaar gelaai het, laat voel of ek 'n hele nuwe rekenaar het. Dankie aan almal wat my aangemoedig het om na Win7 toe te skuif. Ek was so teleurgesteld met Windows Vista dat ek nie Windows 7 vertrou het nie. Dit wil vir my voorkom of Windows elke ander keer 'n geslaagde platform skep. Windows '95 was stabiel, maar toe kom daardie wankelrige Windows '98. XP was weer stabiel, maar toe kom die mislukte Vista. Nou sit ons weer met 'n stabiele Win7. So vermoedelik -- as volgens die huidige patroon -- gaan die volgende Windows platform weer gemors wees.
Aangesien die helfde van my programmatuur verlore is met die formatering van my hardeskyf is ek tans weer in die proses om sagteware te soek. Ek mik vir oopkode vryware (open source freeware) produkte. Het sopas Open Office gelaai en oorweeg Gimp as 'n alternatief of Photoshop.
Beeldmateriaal: Gremlins Online
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Fireworks & Grappling
Another full and fulfilling weekend. On Friday afternoon I went to see a Chinese movie. Saturday I spend some time with friends during the day. Saturday night I met up with a pen-pal. We've been writing each other for some time but never met in person. She is an Indian lady, has a doctor's degree in Chemistry and currently working as a researcher at one of the big universities in Seoul. We went to see the Seoul International Fireworks Festival.
The fireworks festival was an extravaganza of light and colour. It was the most wonderful fireworks show I've witnessed ever and in a sense I think it is bad as I will henceforth also compare any other fireworks display to what I saw last night and probably find it poor in comparison. There were even some geometric shapes! A cube, a pentagon, a flower. They also used coloured lights that shone from below onto the smoke to create coloured hazes contrasting with the actual fireworks. Really a spectacular event. Unfortunately the traffic back, with the thousands of people attending, was terrible. I got home far too late for what waited for me the following today.
So what is it that I needed to get home for early? Well the following day, i.e. today, I competed in a grappling tournament: King of Ground. It was my first time to actually participate in a grappling tournament. I won the first bout by gaining the rear mount and applying a rear naked choke. However, I lost the second fight due to points against a young competitor whom went on to the finals. I'm not really into grappling that much -- rolling around with other sweaty men is not my idea of fun, but it was still a learning experience.
The video below is from last year's King of Ground.
The fireworks festival was an extravaganza of light and colour. It was the most wonderful fireworks show I've witnessed ever and in a sense I think it is bad as I will henceforth also compare any other fireworks display to what I saw last night and probably find it poor in comparison. There were even some geometric shapes! A cube, a pentagon, a flower. They also used coloured lights that shone from below onto the smoke to create coloured hazes contrasting with the actual fireworks. Really a spectacular event. Unfortunately the traffic back, with the thousands of people attending, was terrible. I got home far too late for what waited for me the following today.
So what is it that I needed to get home for early? Well the following day, i.e. today, I competed in a grappling tournament: King of Ground. It was my first time to actually participate in a grappling tournament. I won the first bout by gaining the rear mount and applying a rear naked choke. However, I lost the second fight due to points against a young competitor whom went on to the finals. I'm not really into grappling that much -- rolling around with other sweaty men is not my idea of fun, but it was still a learning experience.
The video below is from last year's King of Ground.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Happy to See My PC
The computer technician returned my computer today. My hard drives were formatted. He was able to retain the most important information from one hard drive, all of the information from the second, and none from the third. It was this third hard drive that caused the problems. It had some cluster problems; also, the drives motor malfunctioned. On this hard drive I had hundreds of gigabytes of information, particularly movies, series, sermons and the like. Luckily some of the movies and series I still have the originals for -- DVDs in South Africa, but the sermons I have collected over many many years. It is possible to retrieve the information, but it will cost me a lot.
In the meantime, I have my computer back with Windows XP installed. The XP-platform is still the most stable of the Windows platforms, so I don't mind it; but I have to wonder if I should not just go ahead and get Windows 7 while everything is all squeaky clean.
Platforms aside, I now need all my programs again -- original disks being in South Africa. My computer, as it is outfitted now, does not even have Microsoft Office installed, not to mention all the other programs I frequently use like Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver, Corel Draw and the like. It is also without my basic Internet browser, namely Mozilla's Firefox and all the add-ons I've come to depend upon. It could attempt going all open source. I guess that is what I'll keep myself busy with this weekend -- customizing my PC again.
That and competing in a grappling tournament on Sunday.
In the meantime, I have my computer back with Windows XP installed. The XP-platform is still the most stable of the Windows platforms, so I don't mind it; but I have to wonder if I should not just go ahead and get Windows 7 while everything is all squeaky clean.
Platforms aside, I now need all my programs again -- original disks being in South Africa. My computer, as it is outfitted now, does not even have Microsoft Office installed, not to mention all the other programs I frequently use like Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver, Corel Draw and the like. It is also without my basic Internet browser, namely Mozilla's Firefox and all the add-ons I've come to depend upon. It could attempt going all open source. I guess that is what I'll keep myself busy with this weekend -- customizing my PC again.
That and competing in a grappling tournament on Sunday.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Ajjuma Attacks Girl
Allow me to introduce you to the Ajuma: old Korean woman. I've encountered some very nice and friendly ones. But then there are also the monsters, like the one below. Hopefully this video will be a wake up call for these people that believe respect is directly related to age. Confucianism at its worse!
Brawl of old woman, teenage girl in subway car causes stir
By Kwon Mee-yoo (Article from Korea Times)
A carriage on subway line No. 2 turned into a fight arena when a young teenage girl talked down to an older woman who savagely assaulted the student in response.
The scene was captured by another passenger and uploaded to various websites and YouTube, causing a huge stir among netizens, Monday.
The video clip shows the old lady reprimanding the student for sitting cross-legged and the young girl talking back to her. Losing her temper, the old woman grabbed the girl’s hair, pushed her around and threw her on the seat in the car, while other passengers watched the scuffle.
At the end of the clip, the teen girl shouted into her cell phone, “I hate Korea, dad!” and swore at the old woman. Then she noticed the person recording the scene and said: “Upload it onto YouTube.”
Eyewitnesses explained other details not included in the video. They said the student sat with her legs crossed, wearing shoes smeared with mud and it had stained the old lady’s clothes.
She asked the girl to remove her dirty shoes from the seat and the student apologized twice. The old woman continued to scold her with abusive words and the teen girl then refuted and began talking back to the old lady, when the recording of the clip started.
A netizen said the old woman habitually provokes quarrels with other subway passengers and demands younger people to give up their seats for her.
Reaction from the general public was divided into three types — some blamed the rude schoolgirl for using crude language to the older lady, while the others condemned the old woman who attacked the young student and began quarreling with her.
The third group blamed the onlookers for doing nothing. “I think the people around them just watching are also part of the problem.
They should have pulled them apart,” a netizen nicknamed Mirunamu said.
Round and Round the Kitty Goes
Which way is this kitty rotating? It's not the same for everyone.
Image created by Pech Misfortune, via Mighty Optical Illusions
Monday, 4 October 2010
Power Box Failures and the Future of the PC
My home PC has been acting up for a while now. Eventually today it would not boot up properly anymore. There is power, but it is as if there is not enough of it to fully energize the hard drives. This means that I need to take the tower box to a computer shop to check it out. I'm assuming that the power box will have to be replaced. Power boxes are usually part of the tower which means I'll likely have to replace the whole thing and build my motherboard and other hardware over into a new box.
I'll do that tomorrow.
In the meantime I'm drooling over Samsung's Galaxy Tab coming out later this year. I want one!
I'll do that tomorrow.
In the meantime I'm drooling over Samsung's Galaxy Tab coming out later this year. I want one!
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Ek verlang
Ek moet bieg dat ek verlang nie na Suid-Afrika nie. In al die jare wat ek in Korea bly het ek nooit benoemenswaardige huimweë gehad nie. Ja ek verlang op tye na geliefdes, maar nie na Suid-Afrika as ’n plek nie. Wel dit is, tot onlangs. Die laaste week of so het ’n grootskaalse verlange na ’n baie spesifieke aspek van Suid-Afrika my getakel met ’n driflike ywer, naamlik die Afrikaanse kunskultuur. Dit was nie tot twee dae gelede dat ek met iemand in Suid-Afrika gesels het en die persoon aan my onthul het dat Aardklop Kunstefees aan die gang was die afgelope week, dat ek bewus was van die onlangse kunsinnige joligheid in my “buurt” nie. Op ’n interesante intuïtiewe manier het ek op ’n metafisiese vlak geskakel met daardie kreatiewe gees wat in Potchefstroom gevibreer het. So erg was my verlange na hierdie kreatiewe Afrikaanse-subkultuur dat ek vir my twee Afrikaanse plate vanaf Rhythm Music Store (mymusiek.co.za) afgelaai het: Van Coke Kartel se “Skop, Skiet en Donner” en Glaskas se “Revolusie Romantiek Ruk en Rol,” waarna ek met lekker geesdriftigheid die laaste paar dae luister.
Die persoon met wie ek telefonies gepraat het, was my X. Dit ook heeltemal toeval nadat ek net die vorige uur met ’n oudkollega gesels het oor verhoudings en hoe moeilik dit vir my is om iemand te vind wat by my pas. Om ’n meisie te kry is nie moeilik nie, maar om werklik iemand te kry wat by ’n mens pas, wie versoenbaar is met jou leefwyse, godskonsep, diëetvoorkeure, waardes, ensomeer, is glad nie maklik nie. Gedurende die gesprek met my oudkollega het ek gepeins oor hoe verbasend goed ek en X, wat die voorgenoemde aspekte betref, gepas het. ’n Hoofrede hoekom ons verhouding nie gewerk het nie, is ’n ou tema in my liefdelewe – slegte tydsberekening. Ek het reeds die werk in Korea aanvaar nog voordat ons ernstig geraak het; gevolglik was ons afsonderlike lewens nie genoegsaam in pas met mekaar om ’n verhouding te laat werk nie. Ons het aanvanklik die langafstandding oorweeg, maar dit het duidelik geraak dat dit, onder huidige omstandighede, nie werkbaar was nie.
My gesprek met haar was beslis nie beplan nie. Ek het eintlik haar grootouers geskakel, my “aangenome” ouma en oupa. Sy was ter loops by hulle huis terwyl hulle uit was (hulle het ’n Aardklopvertoning gaan kyk) en het toevallig die telefoon geantwoord. Met haar “hello” en my “hello” was daar onmiddelike weedersydse herkenning, ’n oomblik se hartklop-misklop, en gelyktydige verassingsvolle “haai!-hoe-gaan-dit-met-jou!” Dit was ’n heerlike vrolike gesprek omtrent mekaar se welstand, doen-en-late, en eventueel ook liefdeslewe. Die afwesigheid van enige romantiese aktiwiteit in mekaar se lewens het ’n vreemde gelukkigheid in beide aanhoorder van hierdie “slegte” nuus te weeg gebring: “Ek is so bly om te hoor dat jy ’n droeë liefdeslewe het en ek bedoel dit op ’n mooi manier.” Tyd het ou wonde genoegsaam genees dat ons in mekaar se telefoniese geselskap slegs die mooi dinge kon onthou en na sowat veertigminute van uiters aangename gesprekvoering—ou vriende wat weer opvang, lou kole wat weer vlamvat—’n nasmakie kon hê van die goeie tye toe ons nog bronstigverlief was.
Ek mis Suid-Afrika.
Die persoon met wie ek telefonies gepraat het, was my X. Dit ook heeltemal toeval nadat ek net die vorige uur met ’n oudkollega gesels het oor verhoudings en hoe moeilik dit vir my is om iemand te vind wat by my pas. Om ’n meisie te kry is nie moeilik nie, maar om werklik iemand te kry wat by ’n mens pas, wie versoenbaar is met jou leefwyse, godskonsep, diëetvoorkeure, waardes, ensomeer, is glad nie maklik nie. Gedurende die gesprek met my oudkollega het ek gepeins oor hoe verbasend goed ek en X, wat die voorgenoemde aspekte betref, gepas het. ’n Hoofrede hoekom ons verhouding nie gewerk het nie, is ’n ou tema in my liefdelewe – slegte tydsberekening. Ek het reeds die werk in Korea aanvaar nog voordat ons ernstig geraak het; gevolglik was ons afsonderlike lewens nie genoegsaam in pas met mekaar om ’n verhouding te laat werk nie. Ons het aanvanklik die langafstandding oorweeg, maar dit het duidelik geraak dat dit, onder huidige omstandighede, nie werkbaar was nie.
My gesprek met haar was beslis nie beplan nie. Ek het eintlik haar grootouers geskakel, my “aangenome” ouma en oupa. Sy was ter loops by hulle huis terwyl hulle uit was (hulle het ’n Aardklopvertoning gaan kyk) en het toevallig die telefoon geantwoord. Met haar “hello” en my “hello” was daar onmiddelike weedersydse herkenning, ’n oomblik se hartklop-misklop, en gelyktydige verassingsvolle “haai!-hoe-gaan-dit-met-jou!” Dit was ’n heerlike vrolike gesprek omtrent mekaar se welstand, doen-en-late, en eventueel ook liefdeslewe. Die afwesigheid van enige romantiese aktiwiteit in mekaar se lewens het ’n vreemde gelukkigheid in beide aanhoorder van hierdie “slegte” nuus te weeg gebring: “Ek is so bly om te hoor dat jy ’n droeë liefdeslewe het en ek bedoel dit op ’n mooi manier.” Tyd het ou wonde genoegsaam genees dat ons in mekaar se telefoniese geselskap slegs die mooi dinge kon onthou en na sowat veertigminute van uiters aangename gesprekvoering—ou vriende wat weer opvang, lou kole wat weer vlamvat—’n nasmakie kon hê van die goeie tye toe ons nog bronstigverlief was.
Ek mis Suid-Afrika.
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