
Sunday 6 December 2009

Is Cute Sexy?

The video above is about a book depicting men acting maternal, which, it turns out, is somehow sexy (and maybe even erotic) to women (especially "new moms"). Now while I can understand how new moms can find it appreciative and a thankful relief when her hubby helps out with the children, I don't think I quite get how this is sexy. I guess it is similar to guys with puppies... It looks cute. But why does "cute" equals "sexy."

Personally I do not find cute girls sexy – it borders too much on paedophilia. This is a major reason why many Asian women do not do it for me. Asian women (or is it Asian men?) thinks that cute looks and cutesy behaviour is sexy. I guess people present themselves to society in a manner they think their potential partners would like. If Asian women believe that the men like women that look like school girls, then that is the kind of looks and behaviour they imitate. The Lolita look is quite prominent in Korea and Japan. I think in Japan more so than Korea.

So let my try and understand this. To look sexy, one has to look cute? Okay. Here is my attempt at trying to look cute … uhm, sexy. Let me know if I succeeded. Sorry, I didn’t have any access to babies or puppies.


  1. awww It's the cutie Sanko with his widdle teddy bear! *pinch, pinch, pinch* Wuzzy wuzzy woo! Wuzzy wuzzy wooooooooo!!! :P

    The problem I have with "cute" being sexy is that it doesn't accept the fact that when we enter a relationship for life, as in getting married, we are going to be growing old with that person. All those couples who are lucky enough to be married for 40, 50 or more years are now sharing a bed with a much older-looking person than when they started out together. That's the way it is, and when we are in love with someone they are always beautiful in our eyes. This "cute is sexy" idea just wants people to stay young, which is impossible.

  2. You do a shockingly good good impression of lil' Elmyra Duff.

    And you make a good point about this cute ideal of impossible youth.

  3. cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...yes indeed you qualify in this picture....,,,if someone thinks of being single for life..the chances of growing ugly and old are limited....if my memory serves me well about your plans.....

  4. ...this teddy bear looks very familier....????
