
Sunday 6 December 2009

A Masculine Cell Phone

I stumbled upon this advertisement that depicts the Motorola Droid cell phone as deliberately not-pretty (i.e. not cute). Maybe this is just my attempt at redeeming my masculinity after the previous post; be that as it may, I like the ad. The narrator states that the Motorola Droid " not a princess; it's a robot," and various images of machinery and techno-stuff are juxtaposed against pretty-girly stuff, with the girly stuff being destroyed by things masculine.

And it actually works. After watching the ad, I felt completely convinced that this is the type of phone I want. It sounds strong and efficient. I even went to the official website.

My first degree in Business Communication & Graphic Design still struck a chord in me, making me fascinated with advertising campaigns, and the way the media manipulates us and specifically plays the genders against each other. The interesting thing is, it works. There are fundamental (stereotypical) differences between the genders or otherwise companies would not spend millions of dollars on marketing campaigns. Regardless how artistic I am, and how in touch I am with my feminine side, Motorola’s masculine Droid is still the phone I want.

1 comment:

  1. Nokia phone family is the most masculine. I think the 3xxx series is most masculine cell phone. There are various images of machinery and techno-stuff. I really want to this type of phone. It sounds quality are great and efficient. It works very well. Thank you very much.
    Cute Cell Phone Accessories
