
Wednesday 24 November 2010

My Brother's Work

I've mentioned in a previous post that I am jealous of my younger brother. He was in high school when he set his mind on becoming a video editor. Ever since then he has resolutely followed this dream and is working towards that goal. Unlike him, I'm still not sure what I want to be -- or to put it more accurately, there are too many things I want to do and be, causing me to be the proverbial Jack.

The video below is a reel that my brother recently made, showcasing some of the projects he was involved with over the last two years, including the work he did while interning at LifeStyleTV in Sweden and SID Media in South Africa.  My brother is establishing himself in the television industry, with special focus on Christian lifestyle programming, but he hopes to expand into film eventually.

He has set up a website for his freelance work that you can check out here: SilverSpark.


  1. Sjoe ek is impressed! Ek like nogals sy website goed gedoen, maar ek sien dit is deur een of ander program met die naam Wix gedoen. Gaan bietjie dit gaan uitcheck!

  2. Jip, hy's 'n besige meneer. Seker 'n genetiese streep . . .

    Ja, die webtuiste lyk goed. Ek't bietjie geloer hoe werk Wix. Dis baie gebruikersvriendelik.
