
Friday 11 June 2010

Teaching Roster for Next Semester

I received the final list of classes that I will be teaching next semester. It is a strange mix of literature, language skills and academic literature:

  • 19th & 20th Century American Poetry
  • Public Speaking & Presentation
  • English Pronunciation
  • Intermediate & Listening Conversation
  • Essay Writing

I was at first a little disappointed that I won’t be teaching more literature subjects, but then I realised that it is probably a blessing in disguise. The literature classes takes much more time to prepare than the language classes and even thought the academic literacy classes require a lot of paper grading, it will still be less than what I did this semester. I've been overworked this semester and can really do with some time to recuperate.

Today I taught my last classes for this semester. I’m especially happy that I’m finished with the Research Methodology class. It is a lot of work, a lot of stress, and a lot of time. I will miss the British and American Essays and the Romantic English Poetry classes. They are my favourite.

This semester has been my toughest one yet. I truly look forward to next semester. Not only will the workload be less, I’m also teaching fewer hours; at least two hours less. My teaching roster is also quite pleasant. Although I have quite a couple of classes starting the first period, all my classes finish before 14:00, which means I will have more leeway in the afternoon. I hope that this will allow me some time to focus on some other things that I’ve neglected the last couple of months. I might even be able to make time for some academic writing that I’ve had to put on hold.

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