
Friday 11 June 2010

"By the Door" by Yann Kerloc'h

I liked this short video (about 2 minutes) by Yann Kerloc'h, posted at The Three Monkeys. It is simply a couple of shots of different angles of one of the grand doors at one of the palaces in Korea, presumably Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul. There is something relaxing about it -- as if you are a fly against a wall, or a CCTV camera just looking, but with no real objective or focus. You are just staring out in front of you. The fact that you are at one of the great historical sites in Korea seems somewhat accidental. At the same time the creaking of the big wooden door creates a sinister tension with the tourists that are going on their merry way, seemingly oblivious to the moans and groans of the ancient door.

By the door from Yann Kerloc'h on Vimeo.


  1. hello
    I'm Yann Kerloc'h, I discover through Vimeo statistics and very lately your nice words about my video, thanks.
    I'm made many others since, that you can still check on Vimeo.
    Thanks again.

  2. Yann, thank you for dropping by.

    I found your Vimeo account:

    Thanks for letting me know. I will definitely check out your videos.

