
Friday 4 December 2009

Online Video Watching Made Easy with Magma

In a previous post I mentioned one way I stay abreast with what’s happening on the Net, without spending hours upon hours of surfing. I revealed TweetMeme.Com as a tool to know what the world is tweeting about.

Another great tool I recently started to use is Magma. This great website brings together the latest and greatest in online videos. It sorts through all the main video sites like YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and even takes into account videos mentioned or rated through other social media sites like Twitter, Icrerocket, StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious, and Reddit. It also assembles videos from formal sites like the New York Times, TED, and BuzzFeed, as well as other online channels like Viral Video Chart, BlipTV, CollegeHumor, and Break.

By visiting Magma you have all these video channels congregated conveniently on one page, and again, like with TweetMeme.Com, other people are doing the work, so that you can merely get a quick overview of “current” videos. This frees up more time for you to research deeper into the videos or topics that tickles your fancy.

In the YouTube-video below, Adam Ostrow gives some advice for companies on how to use social networking sites, like blogs, to find out what are the current trends.

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