
Thursday 10 December 2009


“If I kiss you where it’s sore, will you feel better?” So starts a song by Regina Spektor. The song has been haunting me for a number of days this week. At last I’ve come to realize why this is the case. I am a little “sore” at the moment. In Afrikaans I’d describe myself as “broos” (emotionally tender). I wish I had someone, a mother or a lover, someone I trusted, who could kiss me and tell me “Shush, darling. It’s better now. It’s all gonna be alright.” And I wish that I could believe that. But I have neither mother nor lover, and I doubt if I had that I would have believed her. Still, the act of that tender, loving, comforting, soothing kiss will make it better, if at least, for a little while.


  1. .....students should be emotionally drained exam time.......Professors too???

    Is the winter on you?? in short what is the problem...kiss is not a solution rather its kind of a kiss kiss forever(unless you are willing to keep up with that consequence) it will leave you more emotionally vulnerable...gym is better treatment.........I am with you though whatever it might be call me...lets talk it over it helps..

  2. Maybe you should talk to a friend. It's not the same as a parent or partner, but it can be good.
    Last year I came to Korea in a lot of turmoil. I was having second thoughts about returning to Korea. I was also reeling from some very unkind remarks from my aunt on Christmas. I was looking for anyone, just someone to talk to. Nearly everybody was gone on holiday or was too busy to talk to me. Thank you for letting me talk to you.

  3. In Revenge of the Sith there is a scene where Palpatine addresses the Senate about the new empire that will be ruled "by the majority. . . ruled by a new constitution..."

    The Senate applauds. Then Padme says to Bail Organa by her side: "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause . . ."

    It is those words of Padme, of liberty being taken away, while the masses give applause, that are ringing true at this very moment during the Copenhagen World Climate Change Summit.

  4. Sterkte, daai kant! Was ook 'n lang jaar...

  5. Sanko....I hope whatever it is that is bothering you... I pray that God can see you through sometimes other things a better of spoken to God than to human beings....take courage He knows what is best for you.....but then if you have a confidante...confide....God bless you all the way all the time...Lovies
