
Monday 21 September 2009

Toilet Paper & Korean Friendships

[Image Source: Ava7.Com]

A couple of weeks ago I had my first house warming (I'm planning a second house warming in October for my non-Taekwon-Do friends). A Korean friend arrived that evening with a big set of toilet paper -- 30 rolls in all. Some of my non-Korean friends were quite surprised at this peculiar house warming gift. Luckily I knew the symbolism behind the gift and thought it very thoughtful.

Allow me to explain in case you ever find yourself the recipient of toilet paper from a Korean friend. A toilet roll, when unrolled, is exceptionally long and represents the wish for an equally extended friendship. Now times that with 30! The giver of thirty rolls of toilet paper is in effect saying that I hope our friendship will keep on for a very, very, very, very, very long time.


  1. Awwww, that's sweet! That picture of all those toilet paper rolls in the restroom would be a dream here. Usually there is no. paper to be found.
