
Saturday 1 August 2009

Two "Projects"

So what have I been up to lately?

The past week I spent time on two projects. “Projects” is probably the wrong word, but I don’t know what else to call them.

First, I prepared a report for the national governing body of ITF Taekwon-Do in South Africa (SA-ITF) on the differences between ITF Taekwon-Do and WTF Taekwon-Do, as well as an outline of the history of ITF Taekwon-Do in South Africa. The latter was exceptionally interesting as it confirmed that ITF Taekwon-Do in South Africa started in the Vaal Triangle. This has been contested by the current powers-that-be for many years now; whom insisted that Taekwon-Do’s roots in South Africa is in Johannesburg. I’m glad to say, however, that the recent issue that required me to write the report created in the Taekwon-Do community the need to claim as old a history as possible. Some dated newspaper clips were at last acknowledged and the SA-ITF’s president announced the Vaal Triangle’s claims to be bona fide. It is now official that Taekwon-Do started in South Africa during 1976, when a Karate instructor named Andrew Fall heard about this new martial art, went abroad to study it with a master and returned to establish the South Africa Taekwon-Do Institute – the first Taekwon-Do association in South Africa, which over time evolved into the current national governing body, the SA-ITF. This also means that two ladies, Lynette Els and Evanthia Phillipou, whom both received gold medals at the 1978 World Champs, can now at last be honoured as the first South Africans to achieve gold medals at this prestigious event, and they will be put in South Africa's Taekwon-Do Hall of Fame and Achiever's Scroll where they should have been long ago. Establishing this heritage has been a long battle for me, and one at last achieved!

Second, a friend has been asking me some interesting theological questions recently, so I had the opportunity to think and write about an old interest (religion and Christianity) again. It reminded me of the time I wanted to go do a master’s degree in divinity. I never did, as I don’t feel called to the ministry, but I do realise that I have a deep love for philosophy and theology. While answering my friend’s questions I was also reminded why I believe in these things and what a beautiful and strangely unique message the Gospel is.


  1. That's interesting about how ITF Taekwondo made its way to S.A. I should find out the origins of ITF in my own country.
    Sanko, you are good at teaching and writing. You should try to publish some things. I do think you would do good at teaching religion if you ever want to pursue that.
    As for me, I'm still trying to find my niche. I will be studying in the theology program here this year. I have always wanted to learn biblical languages, etc. I would still consider something on the lines of public health or international development. SYU and AIIAS have public health and Andrews has an International Development program that is done on various campuses overseas for a few weeks at a time. That one in Germany also looks interesting. It's all something to pray about.

  2. The more choices one has, the harder the decision, isn't it?
