
Saturday 1 August 2009

Bible Camps & Thai Curry

The campus where I live have been buzzing with commotion since Thursday. The language institute ministry where I used to work on me first excursion to Korea had their annual “Summer Bible Camp” here on campus. They usually have it somewhere else. There were over a thousand people, representing language institutes from all over Korea. The great thing was that I had the opportunity to see many of my old co-workers, as well as many acquaintances I’ve made over the years here in Korea. So on Saturday late afternoon I invited a number of them to my apartment for dinner. I made a Thai Curry and prepared waffles with ice-cream for desert. It was very enjoyable (both, the chattering friends and the food), but now I’m dead beat.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to be able to see old friends and acquaintances. I am glad they had the camp where they did. I wanted to talk to some people more than I got to, with many of them I only had few minutes to talk. You are lucky to be able to invite friends over like that. I want to plan some events with people later on.
