
Friday 21 August 2009

Friends and I

Angelina took this photo of me after she, Young, and I had dinner at a Taiwanese restaurant. The food wasn't that great, but the company made up for it. Before dinner the three of us went to a performance of world jazz music. I hope to blog about it still.

Young and Angelina are moving to the United States in a couple of days. They will stay there for two or three years while Young does his master's degree in divinity. I'm going to miss them a lot; especially Young whom I lunch with usually once or twice a week. Our friendship has come a long way.

Young is now the third or fourth friend that departed for America. I think now is the worst of times to go to America, since the economic depression hasn't seen the worst yet. Nevertheless, I try not to be too much of a doom and gloom prophet -- especially since they are excited about this new development in their lives.

1 comment:

  1. I do wish them the best. I take it they are going to Andrews University. Many people I met in Korea during my last time here went to Andrews later on. That is part of the reason why I entertained the thought of going back there, I would already have some acquaintances.
    I agree that it isn't the best time to have a stay in the USA. It is still doable, but not as good as it was a few years ago. There were many homes in my old neighbourhood that were for sale for many months with no buyers. A friend at church said there were ten families in his block with layoffs.
