
Tuesday 13 January 2009

The Waffle Machine

I discovered a waffle machine in my apartment building, hidden away in an obscure little room on the ground floor. Since it doesn’t seem to be in any current use, I took it upon myself to salvage it; for safekeeping, of course. I’d be happy to return it when somebody asks for it, but until then I’ll be putting it to good use.

In fact, I’ve used it twice already. The first time was Saturday night. The waffles came out perfectly. And again tonight, I invited Young and Angelina over. Unfortunately Angelina had to work late so she couldn’t join us. On my first use of the waffle machine, I only used one of the two plates, but tonight with Young over, we used both plates and I’m happy to report that the waffle machine is in superb working order. We had at least three waffles each, with different toppings.

I plan to have many more people over for waffles-evenings in the future.


  1. mouth watering:-) remember the Italian place over christmas we ate waffles with cream, fruits etc...

    I hope nobody claims waffle maker

  2. Waffles forever! I wish I had one of those where I live. I also wish I had an oven. Oh well, that's Korea for you. :(

  3. That machine has a sci-fi look to it. Can't you just see it in a older sci-fi movie's depiction of a control room?
