
Friday 23 January 2009

In South Africa

I'm currently in South Africa -- arrived last week Friday. My internet access is limited, hence the few posts. At present I'm in Durban (viva KwaZulu Natal!); came by bus yesterday. Before that I spent time with some of my brothers.

This weekend is going to be jammed pack with visiting friends. I look very much forward to it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Christine just for interest sake why would you send best wishes to Sanko, specifically on job search. Did he said he want a job in SA or its just your outspoken thought?

    I was wondering if you think its appropriatte to do so, if you so wish respond to me on my e-mail

  3. I am sorry about this. I didn't mean things to look the way they did. There is no reason why Sanko shouldn't be able to come back to Korea. I have been wondering what happened for a while now. I am feeling terrible and this situation has gotten me worried and upset. I just do wish I was more careful about what I said on here. Again, I am sorry.

  4. Dear friends,

    I am not job searching at the moment and am very happy with my job in Korea.

    However, I'm open to working in other countries in the future.

    I do hope to return to South Africa after a couple of years, and hopefully I'll land a great job at that time.
