
Sunday 14 December 2008

Rain (비)

Poster for I'm a Cyborg, but it's Okay.

The YouTube-video below is of "Rain"(비), the most famous Korean entertainer, renowned not only in Asia, but in many countries around the globe. On a poll by Time Rain was listed #1, for "100 Most Influential People Who Shape the World" (for 2006) and People Magazine listed him as one of the 100 most beautiful people. Rain is such a humble celebrity, and intensely hard-working, it is difficult not to like and admire him. Long ago, when one of my students told me that "Rain's dancing is perfect", I thought, who is this guy? So I decided to look him up on the Internet. And indeed, he is an excellent dancer. This video clip is probably one of the sexiest Hip Hop dance sequences I've ever seen, and I'm not even a fan of the genre. Apart from just being a "perfect" dancer and successful Hip Hop/Pop artist, Rain is also a well known actor. His recent début Hollywood appearance was in the movie Speed Racer (2008). It was my intention to avoid Speed Racer like the plague... well that was until I heard Rain acts in it. I'm still not going to go out of my way to see it, but at least now I will watch it if I happen to be in the same room where it is showing.

The only movie I've seen of Rain is I'm a Cyborg, but that's Okay (2006). I enjoyed it; probably because of my peculiar sense of humour. Koreans didn't seem to be too impressed with the movie though.

But without further procrastination, click on the YouTube-video and see why everybody loves Rain.

For a longer YouTube-video that showcases more of Rain's dancing prowess, follow this link.

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