
Wednesday 17 December 2008

Conservative vs Liberal - a Korean perspective

I just had an oral test with a Korean student. Upon asking her if she thinks she is conservative, moderate or liberal she said that she is moderate to liberal and explained it as follows: She used to be conservative, but then she became a Christian. After becoming a Christian she changed for the better. This caused her to appreciate change. Her conclusion is that since liberals stand for change, she must be leaning towards the liberalists.

Within a Western context Christians are usually considered conservative and non-Christians as liberals; however, her contrary explanation seems to be strangely logical.

This made me think about cultural differences again. In Korea the culture is based on very conservative Confucian rules and ideals. Christian rules and ideals must seem somewhat lax in comparison. Hence, an average Christian must seem quite liberal when compared to a conservative Confucianist.

1 comment:

  1. The little i could understand on this post is cultural differences, which can affect how chronic and disabling conditions are defined and treated.

    For example in asian culture, the emphasis is on living in harmony with nature (TO BE CONTINUED)
