
Sunday 12 October 2008

A Weekend of Conversations

My friend Young and I spent some time together over the weekend. On Friday evening he picked me up to attend Vespers at a church not too far from my place. I guess it will take about 30 minutes by public transport to get there. However, it took us longer by car, because of the Friday night traffic in Seoul. Car is still more convenient; and conducive to good conversation. I've always enjoyed spending time in car with friends, enjoying deep conversations.

Saturday morning I decided to go to the Sabbath keeping church in Ilsan again, there to spent some time with fellow South African friends, Brian and Maike. Ilsan is known as a satellite city of Seoul and it takes about two hours to get there by public transport. Walking towards the bus stop I bumped into Young. He was on his way to campus, but on the spur of the moment decided to do the two hour trek with me.

After lunch the four of us (Brian, Maike, Young and I) had delightful discussions. We spoke about relationships mostly. Young is getting married towards the end of the year so Maike and Brian shared some valuable and candid information about marriage, problems newlywed couples face, money matters, love-life and the like. We also spoke about sin and temptation, partly as an offshoot from the sermon that was about Justification, Sanctification and Glorification. And had some strange confessions about our respective families.

On our way back Young and I went by the Jazz-café I posted about before, where my other South African friend Lindiwe met us later.

Although I was home by 23:00 it must have been an exhausting day, because I slept until 11:00 this morning (Sunday)! Of course, it doesn’t take much to get me to sleep in. For the most of the day I procrastinated at home. I did go for Taekkyeon training in the evening and did some preparation for classes tomorrow.

That was my weekend.

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