
Friday 1 January 2016

Somethings I did in July 2015

A highlight for 2015 was going to China again. I will make a separate post (or posts) to share some of the photos I took in China. The trip included time spent in Hangzhou, Li Zhou, Zhuji, and Shanghai.

The trip was part volunteer work and part travel. Among other things, I taught some English and martial arts to Chinese young people.

During my final two days in Shanghai I went to a jazz club (The House of Blues and Jazz), which was a lot of fun.

To my great surprise, the performance Cavalia involving horses that I missed when it showed in Korea was showing in Shanghai. It felt like a great blessing to be able to see it.

The National Museum of China in Shanghai was a grand spectacle, with some fantastic art.

I felt very inspired by all the aesthetics of my China-trips, that I decided to make a real effort to start get into the habit of making art again. Below are some of the scribbles I did in both China, and back home in Korea in July.

I had a really great time in China, and lots of fun in Shanghai. It is a beautiful city -- or at least, the parts that I found myself in.

One things I seriously enjoyed in China was the food. I really, really, really loved the food.

Back in Korea, I met up with my friend Bruce (Mingun) Park and Tae Eung Kim, both of whom I hadn't seen in over a year.

I went to my friend Mary's birthday party.

I also got my Korean driver's license.

And apart from my regular twice-weekly Taekwon-Do classes that I teach in Seoul, I also taught two ITF Taekwon-Do introductory workshops. The one was at an aviation college, and the other at the Seoul-Yeoksam Global Center.

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