
Saturday 2 January 2016

Some things I did in October 2015

October. I love October: Seoul International Dance Festival & Seoul Performing Arts Festival. I got to see many great performances.

I finally met a long time Facebook friend in person. We quickly became very good friends. And caught up with some old friends.

I wrote a little verse.

I had me preliminary PhD defence.

And I got final grade for my course work.

I got addicted to a new chocolate snack. But thankful overcame my addiction.

Went to the best dessert place in Seoul. (I go there maybe once or twice a year.)

Continued to enjoy great food throughout the month...

Made some art...

Met with some Taekwondo friends, masters and grandmasters.

And enjoyed the beautiful autumn weather...

The month concluded with a board game night with friends. (I skipped doing the Halloween partying thing.)

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