
Friday 22 January 2016

Some things I did in December 2015

December was mostly occupied with preparation for my PhD defence, while grading exam papers and finalizing student grades. I had two defences. I'm happy to say that I passed the defences without too much problems, although I was quite nervous.

I went to several dance performances, finally saw Miyavi perform live, and also went to see Star Wars on the biggest screen in the world.

And a family member came to visit me. My brother arrived on Christmas day and visited me for three weeks. Within his first couple of nights in Korea we went to the Dongdaemun Design Plaza, and also to the Light Festival at the Garden of Morning Calm, close by Chuncheon. I also made my brother wait to see Star Wars because I wanted to see Macbeth first, before seeing Star Wars again. Macbeth was great, and seeing Star Wars a second time didn't disappoint.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your dissertation!!!

    I am glad you went to the Garden of the Morning Calm for their lights. I remember it went to the end of February. I went there in February, so it took a while for the lights to go on. I wandered around the garden and took lots of Winter scenes in the garden. I found the lights to be so amazing.
    It's great you got to see family in Korea. My mother came to visit me when I worked for SDALI and later my sister came over as well.
