
Monday 22 July 2013

A Fugue for the Expression of an Unclear Emotion

On Friday I got an urge to compose a piece of music for the pipe organ, which is an instrument I have always been in love with and never have had the opportunity to play on -- not that I have the skills to be worthy such an instrument. Nonetheless, with electronic media and the digital environment any one can make music. So, I downloaded a midi-editor Aria Maestosa and started to compose a piece for the organ. I worked a bit on it on Saturday night and again on Sunday night. And below is the result. The full title is "An Amateurs Attempt at an Experimental Fugue for the Expression of a Dubious Emotion", but for the sake of brevity I've shortened the title to "A Fugue for the Expression of an Unclear Emotion". As I've mentioned before, I have been struggling to express what I'm feeling in words as of late.

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