
Wednesday 13 June 2012


Bi-sexual players were kicked out of the San Francisco Gay Soft Ball League because they were not gay enough. Read the news report here. I just have to agree with Tim, a netizen who commented below the article:

The very existence of these leagues is ridiculous. Imagine if gays were banned from the mainstream sport. There would be outcry of discrimination. Sports leagues excluding heterosexuals or bisexuals is exactly as bad as excluding gays. Why are gay people allowed to discriminate where others are not? Everybody wants to have their cake and eat it, these double-standard wielding discriminatory hypocrites should have their sports league crushed by boycott. If the gay people who support or join in had any shred of decency they wouldn't engage in it.
Bi-sexual people don't seem to fit in anywhere. They feel a bit like South Africa's coloured people who lament that under the previous regime they were not white enough, and now under the current regime they are not black enough.

I've often experienced a discrimination similar to the ones these bi-sexuals soft ball players experienced. By nature I'm not a very competitive person with little interest in team sports like rugby. Being a white South African man with no interest in rugby can mean only one thing in my sub-culture. On top of that I am a creative soul with an artistic sensibility. As a child in South Africa these characteristics had me often ostracised by my peers. I was regularly mocked and told that I'm a "moffie" (faggot). Yet, although I have some gay friends, it is quite obvious that I'm not really one of them either. I feel equally out of place in the gay culture as I feel on the rugby field. I'm neither flamboyant enough, nor butch enough. That fact that I'm a holistic person, with an ambidexterous personality that has both the sensitivity of a poet and the toughness of a fighter seems at odds in a dualistic world.

But I'm not lamenting my condition too much. There are many "androgenous minds", as Virginia Woolf called it, whom I can associate with. Think Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Walt Whitman . . .

According to this test, the masculine/femine difference of my mind is only one point! In other words, my mind is androgynous. Other tests that calculated my mind's emphasis on the left and/or right brain hemispheres show similar results.

So how androgynous is your mind?


  1. Natuurlik moes ek ook die toets gaan doen toe ek dit sien!

    Ek het vermoed dat ek dalk na die 'manlike' toe sou leun,aangesien ek daardie eienskappe in myself kan raaksien. Volgens die toets is ek egter androgeen, met 'n effense leuning na die 'vroulike' kant toe.

    Androgeen werk vir my :)

  2. Haha, so dis hoekom ons vriende is!

  3. Moet wees! :D

  4. Androgeny abounds!


    I guess my mind is trying to tell me something...
