
Friday 23 March 2012

Watched Karen Zoid's New Album Launch

Last night I got to see South Africa's rock 'n roll diva, Karen Zoid, launch her latest album, "Zoid Afrika", which she performed in Johannesburg live.

The video below is a teaser for the new album.

No, I did not quickly fly to South Africa from Korea and then quickly rush back for my 9am class this morning, although, if that was a possibility I would have been terribly tempted. (So when are they going to invent teleportation machines?!)  No, I was snugly sitting in Korea when Zoid had her album launch at 7pm, CAT. The show was broadcast live over the internet on Skyroomlive. It was 2am here in Korea, so around midnight I went to bed, and set my alarm for the show, got up and hour and half later, rolled myself in my most fluffy blanket, positioned myself on my sofa, turned up the volume to a moderate level (loud enough to enjoy, but not so loud that I bother the neighbours), and enjoyed Zoid live. An hour later, at 3am, I slithered back into bed and got up again at 8pm to be in time for my 9am class.

Today, nobody knew that I enjoyed a live South African rock show last night, but, o!, I was walking around today all smug. Just the idea of having had the pleasure to enjoy a live South Africa show was quite something and well worth the missed hours of sleep. The Internet is indeed a quite remarkable invention -- I love it!

Karen Zoid's new album is not disappointing. It has all the great rock, ballads, and social commentary we have come to expect of Zoid. I'm likely to get myself the album. Every so often, when there is a good South African album, I will get it, either as a physical CD when I visit South Africa, or from an online music store such as Rhythm Music Store -- a South African online music distributor.

High on my list of albums to get is "Zoid Afrika", Gerald Clark's "Sweepslag" and "Blues and Love Songs", as well as an album by Zahara and Bittereinders. It was my intention to buy the albums of the latter two while I was in South Africa last month, but my time there was so hectic that I never even entered a music store.


  1. 'n Nuwe album van haar is altyd goeie nuus! As ek op hoogte was, sou ek dit ook miskien gekyk het.

  2. Die album word eers in April vrygestel, anders het ek dit reeds gekoop.

    Gaan maak 'n draai by -- daar lê 'n klomp konserte voor, insluitende 'n paar Afrikaanses, bv. Van Coke Kartel.
