
Friday 15 July 2011

Bangkok, Vientiane, Luang Prabang

Wednesday morning I got up very early, put some final things in my bags and trudged through heavy reason to the bus stop. Got off at the airport shuttle bus station, went to Incheon International Airport and took a flight to Thailand. Slept over at a motel in Bangkok. The next day I flew to Laos. Slept over in Vientiane and flew to Luang Prabang, which used to be a French colony, this morning. I will stay here for a couple of days then travel to China, Kungmin City to be specific.

Tonight I'm staying over in a quaint little guesthouse, basically a wood cabin. At the moment I'm sitting in a coffee shop, enjoying a view of a great lazy brown river, sipping at my chocolate malt and enjoying the free wifi. (And this in a communist country. I have to reevaluate my stereotypes regarding communist regimes.)
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