
Monday 28 March 2011

Sweet Sticky Rice with Cranberries

I cooked some basmati rice yesterday, but then didn't know what to make with it, so I decided to attempt making sticky rice. Here's how I did it:

I made the rice following a typical method for cooking basmati rice. Once cooked I poured one tin of sweetened cream of coconut and an equal amount (about one tin's worth) of rice into a pot. (Note that sweetened cream of coconut is different from plain cream of coconut and also different from regular coconut milk.) Bring it to a boil and then reduce the heat and cook over a low heat for about half an hour. The result is extremely sweet and tasty sticky rice. Because it is so sweet I opted for frozen cranberries instead of the mango pieces which is usually served with sticky rice. The slightly bitter taste of cranberries contrasts nicely with the sweet sticky rice. I also added a few leaves of lemon verbena herb to compliment the flavours.

A very delicious, but very sweet desert which I would not recommend to people with low blood sugar, diabetics or ADHD children!

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