
Thursday 17 February 2011

My Week in KwaZulu Natal

Last week I spent in KwaZulu Natal. I stayed with my friend Joa in Pinetown, but also got to meet up with some other friends as well.

I arrived in Pinetown on the Sunday. The following day Joa and I met up with Mary. We went to the harbour to watch the grand Queen Mary II cruiser ship pass and then went for dinner afterwards. Another acquantance I met through Joa and was happy to see again is Mala. She recently returned from India. Her visit to India was in part to trace her Indian roots. Something I also recently attempted. Yet another acquantance I met through Joa is Yolandi -- we all went to see the brilliant film Black Swan.

Two other highlights during my Natal trip was visiting the Pinetown Stingers Taekwon-Do gym and visiting my friend Frankie. It wasn't a planned part of my Taekwon-Do stops, but definitely an enjoyable one. What I enjoyed about my visit with Frankie was to discover that our understanding of God is practically identical -- a God of such great Love that it takes one's breath away. My visit with Frankie stand in strong contrast to my visit with Freddie, a few weeks back.

As always, my time with Joa is very special. We are very close friends and our visits are always mutually therapeutic.

I departed on the Saturday and arrived in Johannesburg that evening where I stayed with Bryan, Joa's life-partner. It was great seeing him again as well.

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