
Tuesday 17 August 2010

PC-Bang in Gyeongju

The last couple of days has been quite interesting. Sunday night I made the sudden decision to go to Pohang. I got on a bus at Express Bus Terminal -- from where I wrote my previous post -- and arrived in Pohang around 2:30 am. The last few days have involved lots of travelling and sightseeing. Tomorrow will be a highlight as I will visit the Seokguram Grotto, something I've been wanting to do for a very long time.

So far I've taken many photos and even made some drawings. It seems that the only time I draw is when I'm on vacation -- like the drawing I made while at Gyeonpo, another coastal town. I will upload some photos and drawings when I return.

Tonight, after I got myself a room at a motel I went out to get dinner and stroll around the streets of Gyeongju, but soon found myself lost. I probably walked for an hour trying to find my motel. I must have walked in circles for a long time -- eventually I found it again, but instead of doing the wise thing and go home, I decided to find a PC-bang (Internet Cafe) to check my emails. Hopefully when I leave the PC-bang I will find the motel again . . .


  1. I also got lost in Gyeongju narrow streets...not a pleasant adventure when your hostel got curfew.. lol.

    Can you recommend good motel in Gyeongju? the hostels are horrible.

  2. I think the motel I stayed in is called "King's Motel." It was really pleasant and comfortable and very affordable (around W40 000).

    Unfortunately I'm not sure how to get there again... It's in the "fashion" area, close to the KFC.
