
Tuesday 13 July 2010

Ungly Shoe Fad

In Korea these days there is this sandal trend among women that I find terribly ugly. I'm sure it is not just a Korean phenomenon. The shoes have these Grecian style straps that go up the foot and ankle. Here are some examples:

Images from G-Market.

Here is a tip to all women. These sandals are UGLY and make you feet look ungly too. Many men like women's feet. They are like breasts and hips. We like them. We like their curves. When you don your feet in these otrocious sandals you make your shapely ankles look like the hoofs of butch Roman soldiers. They change pretty ankles into unshapely cankles. If you want to cover your ankles, get some boots. Proper boots. And leave these ugly sandals to the gladiators.


  1. Just happened upon your blog while surfing the expat blog and must tell you that it is "fashion" in Europe too and I agree - Damn Ugly, you won't catch my feet wearing those ugly sandals. But yes the likes of Cheryl Cole and all the super models are wearing them too.

  2. Ugly?! I like them! (Not that I currently own any.) And what do men have to do with it in any case ;-)

    The ones I've tried on in store were much more comfortable, since the straps around the ankle add the support to the sole of the sandle that normal sandles usually lack.

  3. I was thinking, "wow, Skryfblok and I have a totally different opinion about these shoes. They look great!" I'm not exactly an arbiter of fashion, but I still didn't get what was so wrong about them. And then you mentioned how they're far more appropriate for butch Roman soldiers. Hah! No wonder I like them! Mystery solved.

  4. @Mary-Jane:

    Sandals can be quite flattering, and also quite comfortable. Today I went to a Greek Art exhibit and so some statues of females wearing sandals that look quite beautiful, unlike these monstrosities. But then again, if you're just going for comfort, who am I to stop you.


    I'll give you that, Verdant. Some of these shoes will look better on men than women.

  5. I agree that those are hideous. I think crocs are worse though. Crocs are good for the garden and little else.

  6. I've heard that Crocs are really comfortable. But too hideous for me to try on.

    Generally I'm all for comfort over fashion, but there are limits.
