
Thursday 1 July 2010

Daejeon National Cemetery of Korean War Heroes and Patriotic Martyrs

This past Saturday I went with my Taekwon-Do instructor and his two siblings to Daejeon; first to attend a wedding of their nephew, and second to visit the grave of their father at the Daejeon National Cemetery. The cemetery is the official site for the burial of South Korea’s “war heroes” and “patriotic martyrs.” The fresh graves of the number of young sailors that recently perished during the Cheonan incident were clearly marked. It was sad to see the dates of birth of these young soldiers: 1988, 1989, 1990 . . .

Following are some photos that I took at the cemetery.


  1. I think that looks like a beautiful cemetery. I like to visit the old cemeteries because I find them interesting. There are some very old cemeteries I used to live near that were started in the 1600s and 1700s and I always liked to read the interesting gravestones.
    Were nearly all the sailors from the Cheonan buried there? I wonder. That is so sad that those young men had to die like that. I am older than most of them. I feel so bad for their families.

  2. I think all the Cheonan incident victims are buried there.

    I've always liked visiting cemeteries myself, as well. It is a strange mystique that cemeteries have.
