
Saturday 19 June 2010

Mika Concert and Soccer

Last weekend I went to see Mika perform live in Seoul at the Olympic Hall. The performance was followed up by a live screening of Korea versus Greece in FIFA.

I’ve been aware of Mika, but do not own an album (yet). The show was marvellous, with some very strange surreal things happening on stage. Mika is an excellent artist with an amazing vocal range. He’s music is very upbeat and one cannot help feel energized afterwards. I would easily go watch him again. What I did notice about his sound is how much of it resonate with the sound of Robbie Williams (of whom I do own many albums). However, Mika's sound is a little more eclectic, mixing pop, jazz, soft rock and techno into a pleasant happy vibe.

The video below was uploaded by someone on YouTube that also attended the show. The video below that is an official video.

The Korea vs Greece game was nerve wrecking. Korea scored the first goal within about seven minutes after kick off. The game ended with Korea and Greece with equal goals scored.

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