
Saturday 5 June 2010

God is Good--What more is there to say?

I work for a “Christian” university. Korea actually has quite a number of universities affiliated with specific religions – very much like the universities of old, before most of them became secular. Part of my job requirement is to facilitate a cell-group meeting once a week with some freshman students. This morning I did an activity in which we had to describe God’s character. The adjectives the students used were: “pure,” “thoughtful,” “caring,” “beautiful,” and so on.

What am I supposed to teach these kids? With such a view of God they already know everything they need to know about God. They clearly do not seem corrupted by all the false views of God presented by mainstream Christianity—that God is a spoilsport killjoy grandfather in the sky. They have a view of God as benevolent; that God is good. What more is there to say?

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