
Friday 14 May 2010

Jiujutsu Tournament

Last Sunday I went to watch a Jiujutsu tournament in Seoul. The main reason was becausing members from the Brazilian Jiujutsu (BJJ) club where I train competed, including my instructor Tae-Hong (in the photo) who took gold in his division.

Am I jealous of those abs? You bet I am.


  1. Dude ek wil soos hy lyk! :O

    By the way ek doen twee keer 'n week pilatus nou af vir drie maande, dit help my regtig baie.

    Ek dink enige martial artist moet pilatus oefeninge elke dag doen, dit maak jou baie sterk.

  2. Ek stem saam dat sterk "core muscles" fundamenteel is vir krygskunstenaars.
