
Tuesday 4 May 2010

Contract Renewal

My current work contract expires at the end of this semester; in other words, in about two or three months. My department chair was supposed to let me know whether or not the university desires to renew my contract or not a couple of weeks back. Since non-renewal requires some action (job searching) on my part, I decided that I cannot wait any longer and just went to the department chair, asking explicitly whether the university intends to renew my contract or not.

He answered: “Yes, with some remedies,” and continued to explain that they intend to renew my contract but that he will discuss some feedback from students with me of ways that I can improve.

I’m pleased to know that my contract will be renewed. I have a good job and I enjoy my work. The money could always be better, but the benefits makes up for it, especially the very long vacation time twice a year.

At the same time, I’m a little anxious to hear the critique. The fact that the feedback will be discussed with me is also pleasing as it does allow for improvement, but it is never nice to hear critique. Luckily I’m not too stuck in my ways and can easily adapt and improve.


On a spiritual note, I quoted a few verses from Scripture on Sunday. It just happened to be something I read and which struck a cord in me, even though I could not at the time say why I found it meaningful. Looking at the text again, keeping the renewal of my contract in mind, it does seem significant. Verse 20 of I Corinthians chapter 7 states: "Let each man abide in that calling wherein he was called" (American Standard Version). The word "calling" here can be read "vocation," i.e. job. I think the text resonated with me because it comforted me that a will "abide" in my "job."

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. I still need to figure out what I am doing. I have been looking around for something. I don't really want to make a career out of teaching. Whenever I am finished teaching in Korea (which most likely is now), I won't do it again.
