
Wednesday 28 April 2010

Vampire Slayer

Tonight on the subway back home I saw something most interesting. I think I saw a Korean vampire-slayer. Seriously. This guy came rushing pass me and the other commuters, dashing from the one train carriage to the next. In one hand he held a big wooden crucifix, probably about half a meter in length. On his lapels, as well, there were crucifix pins. He was dressed in very comfortable average looking clothing—sneakers, sweatpants, and the like. Not the typical Hollywood—think Wesley Snipes in Blade—type of attire; rather practical clothing. The type of clothing one could fight in. He definitely did not look like some kind of evangelist or missionary, which in Korea are usually dressed quite formally. The way he passed us was particularly fascinating. He moved through the line of people as if he had a very specific and serious purpose; paying little attention to us “ignorant ones.” He was on a mission; a mission to slay a vampire.


  1. I wish I could've seen that :-)

  2. Jammer jy kon nie 'n foto neem nie...

  3. Ek het my kamera by my gehad, maar was nie vinnig genoeg om dit uit my rugsak te haal nie. Soos ek sê, die man was op 'n misie!

  4. Envy! Now if only I could've been there! Are you sure you didn't stumble onto a movie filming?

  5. If only it was a film set it would have made the event a little less surreal.

    Definitely one of the more interesting experiences I've had in Korea so far.
