
Sunday 14 March 2010

Shakespeare & BunnyChows

Last night I went to the "A Night of Shakespeare" again -- this time taking some students along. Fewer students showed up than expected; those that did come seemed to have enjoyed it. Seeing the various performances one cannot help but appreciate the power of the Bard. His stories are excellent, not to mention his fabulous play with words.

Today (Sunday) I had some friends over for in celebration of my birthday last week. As soon as I got up this morning I started cleaning my apartment. By three o'clock in the afternoon I rushed of to a supermarket to get some last minute ingredients and supplies, rushed back and started cooking. As usual when I entertain people at my house I tend to run a little late. Nonetheless, the guests had snacks until the food was finished. It ended up being a great success. Like last year, I again made bunnychows. Since many of my guests are not South African I'd like to treat them with something from my home country. The problem is, however, that most of my friends -- like myself, most of the time -- is vegetarian, and finding signiture South African vegetarian cuisine is difficult. A been curry is, of course, an easy alternative and since bunnychows are so uniquely packaged, people seem to enjoy it. The original idea of having bunnychows for my birthday actually came from my friend Joa who did so two or three years ago.

Some of the guests asked if they could bring something. I did not prescribe anything but was very happy at their suggestions. One brought Palak Paneer (spinich curry), for which I made extra basmati rice. Another friend brought two cakes -- a chocolate cake and an apple cake. Still another friend brought a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake. And another one brought a bowl of strawberries and kiwis. Obviously it is no secret that we all had too much to eat!


  1. ...apparently it was raining....

  2. Were you caught in the rain?

  3. Ek is laat, maar veels geluk met jou verjaarsdag! Ek is ook 'n vegetariër en is lief vir bunnychows. Mag ek jou resep kry?

  4. Dankie, Verdant.

    Ek's bly jy geniet bunnies ook. Daar is min eg Suid-Afrikaanse disse wat maklik vegetaries voorberei kan word.

    Ongelukkig gebruik ek nie 'n spesifieke resep wanneer ek 'n kerrie maak nie -- maak dit sommer so uit die duim uit. Behalwe vir 'n goeie kerrie poeier, gebruik ek ook rooirissie, knoffel en gemmer. Ek verkies ook 'n romerige kerrie en voeg daarom bietjie room by.
