
Thursday 11 February 2010

Three Friends in Natal

I have many friends in Natal; unfortunately my stay in the province was far too short to get to see even half of them. In the end I only got to spend time with three friends.

Like with Dane, I’ve probably only spent time with Mary on three or four occasions, but it is as if we have known each other for many years. Upon my arrival there last Wednesday evening, I was able to have dinner with her and Joa. We had a lovely vegetarian salad, and spent hours speaking about our careers, relationships, and other typical trivia that friends whom haven’t seen each other in a while like to contemplate.

I also got to see Buddy B on the last day before my departure back to Gauteng. Buddy B and I studied at the same university, him being my junior a couple of years. Actually we met through Taekwon-Do; I was his instructor. In time our friendship blossomed and as with many of my friends (and Taekwon-Do students) we still keep in touch. He lives in Natal, so every time I visit the province we try to spend some time together. Our visits are quite short (usually just a couple of hours, one afternoon), but often enough to affirm our mutual appreciation of each other.

I spent the most of my time in Natal with Joa. It is not easy for me to arrange my friends in order of importance. I am quite fond of all of them. However, C. S. Lewis did have a point when he mentioned how some friendships are innately closer than others. If I was forced to make a list of my top three friends, there is no doubt that Joa would be listed. I could easily call her a best friend and frequently when something significant happens in my life, she is often the first person I wish to share it with. She is likely to know me the best (both the good and the bad) – even knows most of my secrets. Her compliments are usually most appreciated; her slates the most painful. Our friendship has helped both of us grow in profound ways. Since our minds work so similarly, she has acted as an echo chamber in which I learned a tremendous lot about myself, which myopia inhibited me to learn by myself. I believe that God often brings people into my life for a purpose; with Joa I am very confident that this is the case. What is probably the greatest blessing is that her life-partner and I are friends as well, and that he does not feel threatened by the friendship Joa and I share. I can only pray that if I should meet a significant other that she would be equally understanding.

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