
Saturday 27 February 2010

Morphed Me

So I was browsing through another Expat-in-Korea's blog and stumbled upon this university website that morphs your face into different ethnicities and ages.

Take how I look now:

Apparently this is how I looked as a baby, child and as a teenager:

That's a scary lookin' baby! I'm sure I was cute looking, not like some Alien-mix.

Apparently this is how I'm going to look twenty years hence:
Funky hair-do for an old guy.

Or as a woman with hormone problems:

I don't think I would have dated myself...

This is me if I was a little more pigmented and with some silicone jelly squirted into my lips:

If my Dad was Korean:

Or a Chimp:

Or an Anime-character:

Go change yourself here and remember to share your looks with me.


  1. If your dad were Korean you wouldn't have red hair, your hair would be either brown or black. Maybe if your grandfather were.
    I doubt those baby pictures are accurate. It would be interesting to see what the little Sanko really looked like. :P

  2. Yeah, I was thinking of taking the "Asian" picture and change the hair colour in Photoshop to black, but then I lost interest.

  3. Jy het my nou vreeslik lekker laat lag! Skreeusnaaks!
