
Tuesday 19 January 2010

Sixth Sense

Since I’ve come here, my brother has woken me almost every morning by means of a very peculiar little “trick.” He’d sneak into my room and then just quietly stand and stare at me. I’d be blissfully enjoying a dream and suddenly open my eyes to look straight at him. One morning I was sleeping on my side with my back turned to the door, but when he stared at me I immediately turned towards the stare. I find such sixth sense perception quite fascinating.

Many years back, I read of a study performed on animals (I cannot remember what animals they were). The animals would be put in a room with darkened windows. Someone would then go to a window and stare through it at the animal. The animal, in turn, would somehow perceive that it is stared at and look at the window where the person is standing. The study suggested that this ability to sense when one is being stared at is a very useful survival capacity. If a prey can sense the “stare” of a predator it would obviously increase the possibility of escape. I’m sure many hunters can attest, while looking through his scope, that the antelope turns and looks towards him, obviously aware of some presence in that direction, even though the hunter is keeping absolutely quiet and staying down wind. Similarly, many of you have had experiences where you “felt” someone looking at you, then turning and seeing that indeed someone was gawking at you.

I’ve had different telepathic experiences before as well. Sometimes I’d be sleeping and suddenly wake up thinking that I heard my phone ring or that I received a text message only to find it not to be the case. But then suddenly, moments later, the phone would indeed ring, or a text message would arrive. Likewise, many people have experience that “coincidence” where you think of somebody and suddenly they’d call you. Almost every time I phone my “mother,” Tannie Jenny, she’d tell me that she has been thinking of me.

Tell me of your sixth sense / telepathy experiences.

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