
Sunday 27 December 2009

My Brother's Music Video

This is a music video my brother was involved in making in 2008. I think he did some of the camera work and editing, if I remember correctly..

This past year he spent in Sweden working as an intern at LifeStyleTV. This coming year he will be studying in the Cape (South Africa), while working part time at a media centre that produces religious material for the Hope Channel Network.

I'm quite proud of my little brother. It is his ambition to become a film maker focussing on religious (Christian) topics, and he has been working consistently towards that goal. I'm quite confident that he will achieve his goal. The fact that he has come so far with the practical absence of parents and very little financial support is admirable.

 I'm also a little jealous of him for two reasons. First, he knew at a very early age what he wanted to be in life and have set out to reach his dreams. This is quite the opposite of me. I've always had too many dreams, and while I'm living one of them now (being a university lecturer), there are so many other things that I still want to be "when I grow up." Second, he has lived in Sweden for a while. I've always been quite taken with Scandinavia and hope to spend some time there in the future.

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