
Wednesday 9 December 2009

I wonder…

...if a student can be so desperate to break into my office to steal a grammar book? My “Grammar for English Language Teachers” has gone missing and I have no idea how it could have happened. It ought to be in my office, but for some reason it is not. The only other place it could be is at my house, but it is not here either. True, it is an excellent book, but I cannot image any student being that fraught to improve their grammar; however, I cannot think of any other plausible answer to the mystery of my missing book.


  1. These are desperate times with the world wide economy so maybe it was a last ditch move before his Will Work for English Lessons signs go up.

  2. And what do you know?! The book just suddenly reappeared again! Curious... Either I'm going mad (which is a possibility, since one seldom knows if you are going mad) or someone has access to my office. The latter is also a possibility because other lecturers have also mentioned things out of place in their offices. Mmm...
