
Saturday 21 November 2009

Taekwon-Do friends @ Berlin

Last Saturday evening I went out with some members of my Taekwon-Do club here in Korea. (The reason I'm being so specific is because I have another Taekwon-Do club in South Africa.) We went to a café-lounge called Berlin. Anna, one of our club members and a 1st Dan black belt, is co-owner of Berlin, which is a really trendy lounge in Itaewon. I was very pleasantly surprised with the whole set-up: excellent décor, great ambience, and wonderful food.

I had a vegetarian Thai green curry and afterwards a delectable pudding called “Chocolate Volcano,” or something to that effect. It is a cake-based pudding filled with a hot chocolate sauce oozing out of the centre. Anna recommended it as “Fantastic!” and I have to concur.(Read a review of Berlin by Vegetarian in Korea.)

(This is not a Creative Commons image.)

The reason for our evening out was as both a farewell to Leslie, as well as in celebration of her receiving her black belt earlier that week. Leslie started doing Taekwon-Do a couple of years ago. A year ago she came to Korea as a red belt, when she joined our club, and now a year later she qualified for her black belt – just in time. Leslie is leaving Korea this coming week after working on a one-year contract at a public school. After visiting with family and friends in America she has her aim set for South America next, probably Brazil.

This is how I looked that evening. Leslie said I remind her of Wally (from “Where is Wally?”), especially since I had a red beanie on earlier the evening.

In all it was a really pleasant evening, even though few club members were able to come out with us, and irrespective of the weather that was quite chilly. Speaking of weather, last night I saw my first snow for the winter.


  1. That was a good time. I didn't know that it was her restaurant. When you said it was "Anna's Restaurant", I thought you were saying it was the name of the place. When we went to "The Berlin" I was a bit confused, but I figured you knew what you were doing.

  2. Die plek klink aangenaam en ek sal dit bietjie gaan opsoek as ek weer in Seoul is.

    Dog ek se ook net: Ek stem saam met Leslie. :)
