
Sunday 29 November 2009

Getting More Visitors With Keywords Such as "Korea" and "Sex"

A couple of months ago the daily visits to this blog doubled. It used to be around ten, now it is over 20 unique visits a day. Not bad for a blog that doesn’t have any specific niche or goal in mind. It is merely a place where I share things that I may be thinking about, stumble upon, or experienced recently. It is not focused at all. This is basically a notepad and sometimes a diary. Still, I couldn’t help wonder why the number in visits doubled. Then I thought, maybe it has something to do with sex. After all, sex sells.

A while back, about the same time I noticed the increase in numbers (around September), I wrote a post on sex in Korea. The title of that post is “A Sexual Korea,” and was about the dichotomy I noticed between the supposedly prudish Korea that Koreans like to present to the world on the one hand and a very overtly sexually charged Korea on the other hand. My hypothesis is that Internet surfers searching for things related to sex in Korea are probably ending up at my blog, which is boosting the visitor numbers. Now if my theory is true, then the visits to this blog should increase even more after this post, since the word “sex” is repeated quite a number of times in the same context as “Korea.” I recently heard that searches for giraffes mating are also quite popular, so in theory if I write more about the sexual escapades of Giraffa camelopardalis, aka giraffes, I should get more visits too. I don’t know what is so cool about giraffes mating. Furniture porn is probably much more interesting in my opinion.

Now I’m not planning to turn this blog into a blog about sex. There are enough porn sites on the Internet, so that I don’t see the point, even if I wanted to. Albeit, I do not think that there are many Korean porn sites, since XXX is illegal in Korea. Unless the porn sites are of “Koreans,” but hosted in another country, and most likely featuring other Asians porn actors pretending to be Korean, and since most of the world cannot differentiate by looks alone between, say, Japanese and Koreans, I guess the fake Korean porn websites will be relatively equally effective than authentic Korean porn websites providing Asian porn movies and pictures. I don’t know if you noticed, but the previous sentence was deliberately long, with many words related to sex and Korea. Let's see if this experiment works and if Google will index these keywords and direct more visitors here (only to find a South African's musings about Life, the Universe, and Everything, and Korea).

Now what I find interesting from the increase in daily unique visitors to my blog is that not only did the daily new visitors increase, but also the regular visitors increased too. I guess people came to find posts related to Korean sex, but found something different, yet still interesting enough to come back.

Whatever way all you new regular visitors came to visit this blog, I hope you feel at home and I’ll try to keep things interesting. Well, at least it is interesting to me.

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