
Sunday 1 November 2009

Doctor Who

I do not watch TV. I do not own a TV. I don’t want a TV. Who has time? I have too much media to consume as it is. I do however occasionally get myself a specific TV-series (usually British) which I’d watch on my computer every so often. Currently I have My Family and Doctor Who. Of My Family I have seasons 1-8 and of Doctor Who I own seasons 1-5.

Last night it was initially my intention to go somewhere for Halloween, but it started to rain and since I lost my big umbrella I was not in the mood to go out. Instead I stayed in and started watching episodes of Doctor Who. I finished season 4, and only went to bed at around 6am.

Season 1 of Doctor Who was okayish, and at times even amateurish. Nothing to write home (or on my blog) about. But with each consecutive season the special effects just keeps improving and so do the storylines. It’s a wholly fun adventure about a “Timelord” (a time traveler) and his companions travelling through space and time, and fighting aliens both locally and afar.

For anyone with the ability to suspend their disbelief (i.e. fantasy and sci-fi lovers) I definitely recommend Doctor Who.It is good clean fun, and dare I say it, reveals some truths about the state of the world with its staged "national emergencies," terror attacks, and all the other attempts at fear mongering by the powers-that-be. But I'm probably just reading more into it than I should.


  1. Ek't dit nog nooit gekyk nie, maar stories wat jy moet kyk wat nogals goed is:

    Dexter (16VLN)
    Merlin (nogals oulik)
    My name is earl (baie snaaks)
    Supernatural (baie goed, maar as jy dit as werklikheid opvat gaan dit teen jou geloof wees)

    Hoop dit gaan goed!

  2. Hi Franco,

    Op jou lys het ek nog net die eerste seisoen van "My Name is Earl" gesien.

    I'll definitely look into "Merlin," as I have been a King Arthur fan since as long as I can remember.

    Dit gaan wel dankie. (Nie voor die wind nie, maar darem kop bo die water!)

  3. Supernatural is net so goed, dis actually my favorite. Maar ja aangesien jy uncapped internet het kan jy mos alles download?

    Kan nie wag dat jy SA toe kom nie, mis jou verskriklik baie

  4. No, you're not! Doctor Who is a fantastic polar opposite to the jaded hard boiled "heroes" we see today. He's smart, witty, fun loving, and compassionate. I love the series. Torchwood, the spin off, has its moments too, but it's a bit darker.
