
Tuesday 1 September 2009

Audit my classes

Dear Friends,

So a number of you told me in the comments section, in private emails, or in person that you would like to join some of my classes on-line.There are two classes for which I created blogs. The first is 19th and 20th century American poetry, and the second is Poetry in Music. The blogs will provide the reading (and listening) lists as we progress, as well as relevant links. There will also be a selection of class notes. Furthermore, the assignment questions will be posted on the blogs, as well as other questions and thoughts to ponder, which are likely to reappear in different forms in the exam papers.

I think that especially the Poetry in Music class ought to be fun to follow online, as many of the music we will cover will have links to YouTube-videos, lyrics, and so on.

So, join the journey with me at:

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