
Thursday 20 August 2009

Spent the Night in an Unknown Place

Last night on my way back from Taekwon-Do, while emerged in reading a selection of the Upanishads (Indian spiritual literature), I somehow completely missed my bus stop. When I eventually looked up from my book everything looked unfamiliar: dark alleys and deserted highways. Getting off in the middle of nowhere seemed like a bad idea so I decided to ride it out until I see some civilization. Eventually the bus drove into a busier area. I got off and since it was so late (nearly midnight) I did not expect there to be a bus back. Consequently I first set off to find an ATM. After ensuring I had some money I bought some snacks at a little shop and then started walking in search of a motel. It took me probably between 30 minutes to an hour before I found a motel.

The motel room was quite comfortable with a nice TV and just after I took a shower Die Hard 4.0 started. By the time the movie finished it was 3 am. This morning when I woke, I was quite surprised to see it being 9:30. The room was so dark that I had no idea that it was day already.

Catching a bus back I saw that the little village I spent the night before in is called Toi Gye Won 퇴겨완. It's a pity it is raining today and that I didn't have my camera with me, as it would have been an adventure exploring the village. I usually have my camera with me, but yesterday I took a fresh set of Taekwon-Do clothes to the dojang, so there wasn't enough room in my backpack.

Still, this accident caused for a nice little surprise from my routine.

1 comment:

  1. sounds exciting... sad that there are no visuals....
