
Tuesday 7 July 2009

The Old Taxi Driver Stalker

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An old taxi driver is stalking me…

It all started one day after I went to Hapkido class and wanted to go Taekwon-Do class directly from there. I thought that a taxi might be faster than the subway. I was wrong, but that aside. I got in this taxi with an old seventy-some years old taxi driver and asked him to take me to the place where the Taekwon-dojang is. We started talking, me with my limited Korean and him with his limited English. After a nice little chat, the old taxi driver asked me for my mobile phone number. For the life of me, I don’t know why I gave it to him. I’m very protective of such things, but somehow found myself giving out my number. Ever since then, the old taxi driver has called me nearly every day. He wants me to come visit him for dinner sometime. The phone conversations are unusually difficult to understand – I understand maybe 30% of his mumblings and pretend to understand less. An unfortunate thing is that my mobile phone is quite old and does not have caller ID. I therefore do not know who is calling, and often find myself answering to my old taxi driver stalker.

I’m starting to get worried for at least three reasons. First, his incessant calling, nearly every day now for the last two weeks, is making me think that this guy really has an obsession. Second, a colleague told me that many of the taxi drivers are actually ex-convicts. Driving taxis is one of the few jobs they can get after getting out of jail. So for all I know, my old taxi driver stalker may be a sexual predator with a fetish for white South African men. Third, repeatedly during his calls he says something about “baby”. I cannot figure out what he is saying and whether he wants to show me his baby (grandchild?), whether he wants to convey that he adopted me as his foreign-son (and I am therefore his baby), or whether he is romantically referring to me as his “baby” (e.g. “Hey, come here Baby, I wanna show you a good time”). It is the latter thought that’s really freaking me out.

I don’t want to be mean to the guy. Maybe he is really just a lonely old man with no ill intend and I could brighten his dreary life with some conversation. Nonetheless, his persistent calling is starting to get on my nerves. Should I comply and visit him sometime?

If I suddenly stop blogging, inform the police that I’ve been drugged by an old taxi driver and he is probably keeping me hostage in his basement for perverted purposes or has chopped me into little pieces and is feeding me to his baby.

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