
Thursday 28 May 2009

My Life in a Wallet

Image from Westpac.

Today (or last night) I lost my wallet. This is almost a tragedy of sorts, as it contains two debit cards, as well as a credit card, plus my two South African bank cards and numerous other loyalty cards, business cards and my ID card. So I spent most of the afternoon phoning banks with the help of a Korean friend getting them to cancel my cards. Especially troublesome is the missing ID card. To replace this I have to go to the Immigration Office and wait in terribly long lines; this is especially cumbersome because I do not really have time during the day to go there – it takes about an hour and a half to go there. After going through all the rigmarole to get my cards cancelled (and some replaced already), I came home just now, psyching myself up to go to the Immigration Office tomorrow. And as the irony of fate would have it, sitting here at my desk, while writing this post I got a phone call from someone at the campus administration’s office. They have found my wallet. Somebody handed it in at Lost-and-Found. Actually, I did go to Lost-and-Found earlier today, but at that time they did not have any wallets in safe keeping. It would seem that my simple silent prayers I did during the day did work. Replacing the old cards with new ones was probably not a bad thing either. I’m still quite thankful for getting my wallet back, though. It is also a lesson well learned – I probably should not keep all my cards in one place. I hope the money I had in my wallet is still there . . .

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