
Monday 11 May 2009

A Weekend in May

I had a rather full weekend, starting on Friday afternoon when I went to see the movie State of Play. It’s a very good movie, but you need not see it on the big screen – the DVD will suffice. After the movie I went to my old workplace in the Kangnam area to attend the Sabbath keeping church there for vespers. Afterwards I visited with a South African friend, Patricia. We had some good laughs. Saturday morning I shared my ideas on God as Love and the Source of Life with my little group of students again. They didn’t seem too excited about my philosophical ponderings, but they did appreciate the juice and snacks I provided. For lunch I went to a colleagues apartment. Bessie had invited over some of her students and told me that I was welcome to join. The food was great. Later Sabbath afternoon another friend came to visit me. Jin and I went for a walk to the little lake on campus. I am truly blessed to be working at such a beautiful campus. After our meandering in the woods we came back to my place – I prepared Thai Curry and spaghetti. It was then my turn to go see Jin’s place. Back in 2007 when I just met Jin, I visited him a couple of times at his apartment. At that time it was basically a tiny room, hardly 1.5 meters by 2 meters in size. Yes, that was the actual size – maybe even smaller. He had to put his chair on his desk if he wanted to sleep, which he did on the floor. Later, after finding a job at an engineering firm, he was able to afford a small apartment, which was basically a room and a kitchen and a small bathroom. In the meantime he has moved to a bigger apartment that includes a living room. I’m glad to see such obvious progression in his life. We went to see the late night movie at the theatre close to his home. Star Trek: The Beginning is a surprisingly exciting movie that keeps you on your seat – and keeps you awake even into the early hours of the morning. The movie ended around 3:30. We got to bed at 4:00. The next day we rouse around 1pm. I needed to go to Itaewon or Dongdaemun to buy call cards, for making international calls, so we decided to go to Dongdaemun and visit an Indian restaurant there that I’m fond of. A South African friend joined us. By around 5pm I started the journey back to my apartment. Although I enjoyed the time with friends, I was also very thankful to be back at my place again, and enjoy solitude once more. I’m quite fond of my “alone time”. I tried to go to bed early – which for me is around midnight.


  1. My weekend was that busy. I got to meet a lot of friendly people, eat some good food, take lots of photos, etc. I ended the weekend more tired than when I had started it.

  2. It a paradox, isn't it? On the other hand, if you don't do anything over the weekend you feel it was wasted.
