
Thursday 30 April 2009

An Accidental Encounter From a Distance with Daniel Henney

I went to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine today with a friend, Young. (I’ll probably write about the movie in more detail later – let it suffice to say that it wasn’t as good as any of the other X-Men movies.) During the closing credits of the movie the house lights suddenly went on and instead of the usual dimmed lights, they were all bright and menacing. Then a lady walked onto the “stage”, microphone in hand, and announced that Daniel Henney, the Korean American actor that plays a character in the movie is here and will say a few words. The girls cheered and some guys even shouted something which Young translated as “I adore you!”, or something to that effect, but he might have joked.

In any case, Daniel Henney, who acts as the character Agent Zero, walked onto the stage and gave a short speech about his continual effort to play in many more Hollywood and Korean movies in the future. I guess fans ought to have found it very exciting. Unfortunately I don’t know the guy's work and I’m not too much into the whole celebrity-madness.

Since I didn’t know who he is, I decided to do some quick research on him. Henney is about my age. His mother is an American Korean, his father is Caucasian and as is often the case mixed Korean offspring tend to be quite attractive as adults. Henney made his breakthrough as a commercial model only recently (2005) moved into TV and film. He appeared in a couple of advertisements with some high profile celebrities, for example the Bean Pole add with Gwennyth Paltrow. X-Men Origins is his first Hollywood film. Before that he played in two Korean productions (Seducing Mr. Perfect and My Father – I haven’t seen either).

Now one day when his name come up in a conversation I'll have something pretentious to say, like: "O, Daniel, yeah, I once saw him in person."

For those interested there are more info and photos available at the Hot Korean Men Blog. If you want something with more substance, read the article Who the Hell is Daniel Henney? And on YouTube I found this interview of Daniel Henney and Hugh Jackman that was done in Korea only a couple of weeks ago. I was more interested in another Daniel Henney YouTube video with Seong Hye Kyo. She reminds me a little of Monica Bellucci.

1 comment:

  1. yes i think he is the country for another movie shoot, i saw him at the village being interviewed.
